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Why Your Network Needs An IP Security API

Do you think your network is unprotected? Are you afraid of suffering a security breach in your network? Well, to avoid that, it is best to use an IP Security API, one of the most efficient systems for these purposes. If you want to find out more in this post, we will give you all the details you need!

IP address-based geolocation is a technique used to calculate the geographic location of a device connected to the Internet, using its IP address. This mechanism depends on the IP address of the device appearing in a database with its respective location, postal address, city, country, region or coordinates. Many web pages or online services need to identify where their visitors are located, whether it is to show them the web in their language, pre-fill data in an online form or have better search results.

Why Your Network Needs An IP Security API

Some sites that distribute multimedia content need to know the location of their users in order to implement geographic access restrictions to which they are contractually bound by the owners of the broadcasting rights. In many cases, location is also important to control the abusive use made by certain users of online services, reduce fraud or restrict access to services in certain countries or regions. Currently, network security is very important due to the large number of hackers and virtual scams that exist on the internet. And for that, many use an Ip security API.

However, it’s also important to find an API that satisfactorily meets your needs. If you choose a bad API, you could have a lot more problems. Nobody wants that. Therefore, we want to help you in your search for an IP security API. The platform we recommend is called ipXapi and we assure you that it is the best service on the internet.

Your Network needs this IP Security API: ipXapi!

ipXAPI is a service that many companies around the world are using, as are many developers. For example, regular customers of this API are Costa Coffee, Namecheap, Clorox, and Shopify, among others. These customers choose this API for many reasons. One of the most important features is the price. Similar APIs exist that cost a lot of money and these days, not everyone can afford those prices. But instead, this API has the best prices on the market and even costs with an incredible offer. This benefit is a 90% discount on the first month.

Why Your Network Needs An IP Security API

Using ipXapi you will be able to protect your network with the latest technology. Thanks to all the features, this API allows you to access many options to protect your network. Some impose geographic restrictions on their network if they detect problems in any country or locality. You can also access the detection of proxies, trackers or tor users at first glance. Through an IP you can obtain the geolocation of any user who visits your website, such as country, city, continent, or time zone.

The data coverage offered by ipXapi grows every day since the information is updated frequently. This API currently supports over 2 million unique locations in over 200,000 cities around the world. With all these features, you will be able to stop hackers and virtual scams and protect your network. If you want to find more information, you can visit the website.

Also published on Medium.

Published inAppsApps, technologyTechnology
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