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Why Is So Necessary A User Agent Generator API For Your Website?

The user agent is sent by the browser to a web server with each request and is supposed to display information about the system used. So, so to speak, it is the tag that the browser uses as a “name”. Did you know that you can take advantage of this to improve your SEO? Keep reading Why Is So Necessary A User Agent Generator API For Your Website?, we will tell you about User Agent Generator API, a tool that will facilitate and improve your performance.

Why Is So Necessary A User Agent Generator API For Your Website?

What is User Agent?

The user-agent is a field of the HTTP protocol that can transmit more or less detailed information about the query device that makes a network request.

This is possible via the HTTP header and this information can be useful, for example; to deliver certain elements only to those browsers that are known to be capable of handling them.

How does the Server User-Agent use the information?

The server may use information about the requesting system to provide users with a suitable version of the website. For example, if the user agent tells the server that a request is coming from an Android phone running the Chrome browser the server can render the mobile version of the requested web page if a mobile version of the page is available.

With the help of the user agent, the server can also determine whether the browser version used is still current. For example, if you are using an “old” browser like Internet Explorer 6; the server may respond and send an update request instead of the requested web address.

Finally, user agent information may be collected by web servers for statistical purposes, for example.

How can the User-Agent be used for SEO?

You may set up your browser to send the same identifier using the Developer Console or a browser add-on by being aware of the data that various Google crawlers utilize.

For instance, it is frequently possible to determine whether a website provides Googlebot with different content than it does for other users.

User Agent Generator API

So, User Agent Generator API is an extensive database of (325.000+ user agent strings) user-agent strings which are quickly accessible with a simple endpoint. We offer to filter the random results with many parameters such as operating system, device type, and browser. Generate random User Agents with this API for your projects. Be able to scrape or access any website as the User Agent of your choice.

Why Is So Necessary A User Agent Generator API For Your Website?

This API will receive the selected device and operating systems of your choice and it will deliver a randomly generated User Agent.  After signing up, every developer gets a personal API access key; a unique combination of letters and digits provided to access to the API endpoint. To authenticate with the User Agent Generator API REST API, simply include your bearer token in the Authorization header.

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