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Why Companies Use APIs To Get Commodities Spot Prices

Are you part of a financial or investment company? Get the most spot prices with these three options of commodities prices API! Read the article below and get to know all about commodities spot prices for companies!

Despite all the different technological crises that as a society we have gone through, many companies still continue to support their structures in them. That is why today we will explain how companies use APIs, but mainly, what APIs are and how they could be of great help.  

APIs, or application programming protocols, are essential resources for enterprises of all sizes. APIs are important from a technical standpoint because they allow one software network’s abilities to be accessed by others. They allow two separate programmes to interact with one another.

That is why it is said, APIs allow organizations to operate faster compared to ever before, and they provide a solution for firms that presently spend more than $590 billion per year integrating disparate systems.

It’s known that, APIs have the ability to revolutionize enterprise. Large business tactics rely on big revenue staff, documentation, and other time-consuming, antiquated, and costly procedures to operate their operations, and this strategy has become increasingly unsustainable.

The key explanation APIs are so important in current marketplaces is because they enable speedier creation. Transformation is easier, and more people can contribute to an overall success of the company. They provide two advantages: the company can manufacture superior items while distinguishing itself from the competitors. APIs also facilitate commercialization. Having a presence on more platforms allows businesses to sell more advertising space.

For instance, many businesses use APIs to obtain spot commodities, which are traded on a cash market rather than a financial sector. Thinly traded are ones in which agreements are resolved in a matter of days. Products are frequently traded using a combination of spot and futures markets.

Many companies use platforms that help and give their employees a plus when it comes to searching and improving the service they provide to their customers with the prices of commodities in the market. To do this, we bring you these three open-source platforms and memberships adapted to companies:


Commodities-API It is a publicly funded API that displays commodity prices for wheat, rice, coffee, and sugar. Explore the website, obtain an API key, and then select the appropriate currency and commodity to obtain the information. That’s all there is to it, and you can use the API however you see fit. The Commodities-API can provide data in any currency you choose, with two decimal places of correctness, from a pool of over 170 possibilities. Each month, you can make up to 100.000 API queries and receive regular updates every 60 seconds.


Blobr is a solution for quickly creating your own branded portfolio of commodities. This site can share and even sell commodities by APIs. It enables you to regulate commodities accessibility, document them, and be able of investm on them. The API platform’s title, logo, and even colors are all customizable. They enable anyone to provide the finest API experience to end customers while requiring no coding.

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Published inAppsApps, technologyTechnology