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Which API Provides Reliable US Futures Market Rates?

Are you looking for an API that offers reliable prices for the international futures market? It’s a tough question, but don’t worry. It took us a long time to discover it but finally, we found the solution! It is an API specialized in metals, the best metal prices API!

As a first approximation, we can say that in the futures market, purchase and sale transactions are formalized through contracts, through which a commitment is acquired, under certain conditions. The irruption of the futures market dates back to the end of the 19th century in America. Specifically, this birth can be referenced in a context in which the classic spot markets or those in which delivery is immediately presented with the high volatility of supply and demand; which in financial jargon is synonymous with risk. Many experts point to the Chicago Board of Trade or CBOT, from 1848, as the first futures market in the world with which everything began.

Given this volatile scenario, the need arose for a futures market with the intention of mitigating the risk that all volatility implies for the participants in a transaction. Thus, the so-called forward contracts emerged in the first place, which were term contracts between the parties, in which certain conditions were set; such as quantity, quality, price, or expiration. Also due to breaches and the consequent risk, future contracts were created, which were postulated as a way of protecting the contracting parties. A future, in the stock market, is nothing more than a commitment to buy something on a certain date. It can be a long shot to buy something without knowing what the future price will be, but in times of volatility, this option is very profitable.

If you want to get futures contracts of different metals like gold or silver, the best option is to use Metals-API. In fact, this system is the best US futures market API.

Metals-API provides reliable US futures market rates

At present, the world is experiencing an international crisis. The war in Russia and Ukraine caused shortages in many products that generated price increases in other services, generating uncertainty. But luckily, Metals-API is here to save your investments. Metals-API not only offers spot prices (in real-time, with 60-second updates and precision of 2 decimal places) but also offers Reliable US Futures Market Rates.

What this API does is offer you the closest futures contract to the search date. Each metal updates the future price every 1 month, 2 months or even every 3 months, it depends on the metal. Gold, for example, is updated once a month.

How to access reliable US futures market rates? You don’t need to be an engineer, just follow these instructions.

1. Visit
2. Register with your data. Remember to use your main email, since you will need it to confirm your Metals-API account. Otherwise, you will not be able to create the account.
3. Choose a plan. These plans are annual, not monthly. But don’t worry, if you regret the chosen plan, you can change it for a better or worse one. Make the payment using payments in USD.
4. When the payment is accepted, you will only have to choose the symbol of the metal you want, the legal tender and that’s it! You will get reliable US futures market rates! Use Metals-API

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