Are you searching for an API that will supply you with LME tin data in tons? Here, we’ll suggest the superior option.
In 2020, global tin output declined to 270,000 metric tons (MT), down from 296,000 MT in 2019. With a production of 81,000 MT, China remained the world’s top tin producer, with Indonesia a distant second at 66,000 MT. The reduction in tin output was caused by rising costs, according to the most current study on the metal from the US Geological Survey.

This corresponds to the fact that the tin market has been in deficit for nine out of the previous ten years. As a result, you must remain current on LME tin pricing in tonnes to choose the optimum time to invest. An API is a tool you’ll need to achieve this goal.
What Is An API
Application Programming Interface is what it means. This is software that allows two programs to exchange data. There are many of them on the internet, but not all of them provide the same information.
As a result, we propose Metals-API, which is rapidly establishing itself as one of the most complete APIs for precious metal values. If you utilize this application, you could be able to use a variety of metals and currencies on your website. It provides you with real-time data about your metal. You may also look back at previous data to observe how the output changes over time.

To get it, follow these steps:
- An API key will be provided by
- Examine the Tin (Tin) as well as the monetary sign you’ll be using.
- Use these symbols to add metal and currency to the list before finishing the API call. There are several programming languages (PHP, Python, and JSON) and pricing points to pick from.
- Now all you have to do is press the “run” button, and you’re done! On your device, the API will be presented.
- The rates in this API are in troy ounces, so keep that in mind. To obtain tonnes, multiply metals-rate APIs by 3.11035e-5. After that, you’ll be able to get the necessary cost.
Why Metals-API
Metals-API started as a basic, lightweight Open-Source API for banks to get current and historical precious metals prices. With a 60-second refresh rate, this API provides real-time precious metals data with two decimal places.
Among the features accessible are precious metals exchange rates, single currency switching, Time-Series data, volatility statistics, and the day’s lowest and highest prices. Metals-API can calculate exact precious metal exchange rates in over 170 currencies throughout the world, including Bitcoin and other popular cryptocurrencies.