The text to speech softwares and API’s have made considerable progress in the last years, especially when it comes to transforming formats like PDF or docx to sound, nowadays you can have it read in any language you want, but not every TTS works in the same way and not all of them have the same results.
One of the API’s in the front seat when it comes to different accents and types of voices that you can have your text read to is Woord, imagine having all the possibilities at the same time you have personalized attention in real time, you can also download your own sounds and TTS to use in video presentations or for personal use.
How To Use Woord
- Just type a word or a phrase, or copy-paste any text.
- Choose the speech rate that works for you.
- Start from any position in the text.
- Replay the text as many times as you wish.
The Multiple Uses Of Woord
This server can assist you in improving your listening, speaking, and pronouncing abilities. While doing anything else, listen to any printed items in authentic voices.
To assist visually impaired persons, entertain, or educate your children, create an audio version of the textual information. TTS Reader turns any text into male Robotic voices that sound natural. While remaining halted, continue speaking from where you left off.
The Different Type Of Voices
Alter the speech frequency to slow or speed up the voice. You are free to listen to the audio recording as often as you like. Robotic speech can be spoken by either a woman or a man.
In case you need a free text to speech service for Australian English, French, American English, Canadian or Brazilian Portuguese, Woord is also an option.
In addition to Robotic voices, the text-to-speech reader supports Italian, French, Spanish, Dutch, German, English, Indonesian, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, and more.Also you can use teenager and kids voices.
To add,we offer Latin American realistic voices such as, Brazilian Portuguese, Argentinian, Mexican spanish, etc.
Its Available In Every Platform
It is a useful free software that can read any text for you and allows you to convert documents and Web pages into audio files for IOS devices such as iPhone, iPad, Ipod Touch, so you should not be aware of the monitor or screen and you can dedicate yourself to other tasks. simultaneously.
Woord is available for Windows and Mac OS X, in both cases for free, and you can read all kinds of texts: websites, blogs, text files, PDF documents, ePub, etc. It also allows us to choose between several voices and set the speed of the reading.