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What Is The Reputation Score Of URLs And How To Know It With An API

Are you wondering what is the reputation score of URLs and how to know it with an API? If that is your case, then this article is for you because here we will tell you everything about this and much more!

There are various ways to gather information about a website or domain nowadays, owing to URL categorization. The reputation or confidence score, which is a percentage of how safe a website or domain is, is one of the statistics that may be retrieved.

Fortunately, you don’t have to be a programming expert to obtain it because APIs have been created particularly to deliver this type of information. These APIs are known as confidence score APIs or domain reputation APIs, and they provide a percentage ranging from 100 to 0 where 100 is completely secure and 0 is not secure at all.

Based on this data, you may analyze your own website as well as the pages that link to it to verify that you are offering safe material to your users and, as a result, that you always have high traffic to your site. It is also worth mentioning that Google rewards sites with a good reputation score and penalizes those that do not provide Internet users with security.

On the other hand, these confidence score APIs can also give a list of categories with which a certain website or URL is affiliated, allowing you to verify that it is associated with the correct category.

All this information is crucial for that company or B2B that has developed a website, and not having it will place it below the competition without a doubt. 

Fortunately, there are several of these APIs on the market, but here we will introduce you to the best of them and also tell you how to use it to know the domain score of any domain.

What Is The Best Reputation Score API?

The best and most accurate reputation score API is Domain Reputation And Children Safety API and it is available for purchasing on the Zyla API Hub, the most reliable API marketplace in 2022.

This API has a very easy to use platform, which can give you the confidence score of any URL in a matter of seconds. This way, you will know exactly which sites to block from your company’s internal network or which sites to avoid linking to your company’s website.

By using this domain reputation API you will have more chances to avoid fraud, cyber attacks, data theft and much more. So, if you need to increase your company’s security or your leads’ trust in your site, you should start implementing it. On the other hand, due to its children safety, it is also recommended for educational institutions or to protect your home network.

This API will give you a quick answer: “safe” or “not safe”. Secondly, it will also provide the reputation score of the analysed site, where 100 means totally safe and 0 means not safe at all. Finally, you can also get a list of categories the site is associated with, so you can filter those you want to block from your network.

How To Know The Reputation Score Of A URL With It?

The following actions must be taken to find out the reputation score of any URL using Domain Reputation And Children Safety API:

  1. Select the Children Safety and Domain Reputation API from the Zyla API Hub.
  2. Following the creation of an API Key, confirm your identity.
  3. Enter the URL being looked at and evaluated.
  4. Take a look at the results.

We’ve previously explained what a URL’s reputation score is and how to get it via an API, as well as exposed you to the greatest confidence score API accessible in 2022. Visit the Zyla API Hub and give it a go!

Published inAppsTechnology