Did you know that you could analyze your finances and what to invest your cryptocurrencies in through an API?
Corn is the most traded grain in the world. Corn production worldwide is larger than any other cereal. Annually, it is 850 million tons of grain that is cultivated in an area of 162 million hectares, with an average production of 5.2 tons/ha. The largest producers are the US and China produce 37 and 21% of the world total respectively. The three main exporters are the US, Argentina and Brazil. Between them they exported 70 million tons of corn.
Due to this, in Argentina new ways of financing the agricultural sector have been created through cryptocurrencies that, as has become clear in recent years, are no longer a passing phenomenon and are here to stay. Many producers have begun to tokenize their agricultural and food products, such as CriptoCorn, CriptoSoy or Agrotoken.

Agrotoken turns real crops into digital assets through tokenization, a grain-pegged stablecoin; For each Token, there is a ton of real grains guarded in a store that supports it, they explain from the platform.
Agrotoken’s Criptosoy (SOYA) and Criptocorn (CORA) Tokens are cryptoactives that have as a reference value the price of the corresponding grains in the local market where they are produced, which can be exchanged for supplies or services, used as collateral or access other crypto assets, they conclude. But to do this, we must understand that digital currencies do not depend on any state or regulatory entity, so their movements on the stock market are very volatile. To control how are the movements in the corn market and some cryptocurrency, we invite you to use Commodities-API.
What Is Commodities-API?
It’s a free web API service that offers you real-time statistics on commodities including coffee, rice, and maize. This portal compiles worldwide data prices in a variety of currencies from a variety of sources and organizations throughout the globe. Commercial sources are typically preferred, particularly for large currencies and commodities such as the some of the cryptocurrency and corn.

How Is It Used?
It is really simple to use. To start, you have to do this:
- Go to www.commodities-API.com
- Get an API-key
- Search for the commodities (CORN) and currencies you want.
After that, you’ll get the API in JSON format, which you may use as you like. JavaScript Object Notation is a method of encoding that avoids the need for each application to write its own ad-hoc code to communicate with certain servers. The JSON API module supports entity types, bundles, and fields, as well as data storage and data structures.
For more information, check their website.