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What Is The Best Traffic API To Incorporate Immediately In 2023?

One of the most crucial aspects of web marketing is traffic. Without it, a business owner cannot hope to reach potential customers and generate leads.

Developers with clients in the field of business and online marketing need to devise tools to ease down the process of gauging website traffic to make the necessary adjustments to improve it.

The more visitors a website has, the greater the chances of making a sale. Therefore, it’s crucial to understand how the public behaves so as to increase website traffic. There are many ways to improve this, though the most effective approach is to use an API that provides website traffic data: Site Traffic API.

Web traffic is a term that refers to the number of people who visit a website. This number is expressed as a number of visits, visitors or sessions, and it is determined by a web analytics tool. Website traffic can be increased by optimizing website content, by optimizing search engine results, and by attracting new visitors. The more visitors a website has, the more successful it`ll be in converting them into paying customers.

What is Web Traffic?

The number of people who visit a website and view one´s content is known as web traffic. It can be measured with the help of analytics tools like Google Analytics. The purpose of web traffic is to increase the visibility of the client´s brand and increase sales. It allows to see whether or not marketing efforts are working out and make the necessary adjustments.
SEO can draw more people to a website, as well as social media marketing, email marketing, etc. With this information the website owner can determine how effective his marketing efforts are.

Using website traffic data in conjunction with other marketing data will help understand target audience, create a better user experience, and ultimately generate more leads.

There are many advantages to using a website traffic estimator:

  • estimate the number of potential customers for a new business.
  • estimate the amount of competition for various keywords.
  • track the success of any SEO campaign.
  • assess competitors´ websites and see how they are doing in terms of gaining or losing traffic.
  • measure the effectiveness of any advertising campaign.

In other words, there are plenty of reasons why one might want to use a website traffic checker, but the main one is that it will render a panorama of how well marketing strategies are working and how to improve them.

With Site Traffic API it`s possible to find out where the site receives it’s traffic from.
Using this API, one can sort the database according to any criteria of one´s choice, like learning which URLs get the most traffic, or perhaps seeing which pages have the biggest bounce rates.

How To Get Started

Counting on a subscription on Zyla API Hub marketplace, just start using, connecting and managing APIs. Subscribe to Site Traffic API by simply clicking on the button “Start Free Trial”. Then meet the needed endpoint and simply provide the search reference. Make the API call by pressing the button “test endpoint” and see the results on display. The AI will process and retrieve an accurate report using this data.

Site Traffic API examines the input and processes the request using the resources available (AI and ML). In no time at all the application will retrieve an accurate response.

If the input is, the API will retrieve a full reports of visits and origin of visitors over a certain period. The following is an extract of the thorough response, that will look like this:

{"Version":1,"SiteName":"","Description":"ibm lleva más de un siglo dedicado al éxito de cada cliente y a la creación de innovaciones importantes para el mundo","TopCountryShares":[{"Country":840,"CountryCode":"US","Value":0.22401260150421037},{"Country":356,"CountryCode":"IN","Value":0.12558056092297157},{"Country":76,"CountryCode":"BR","Value":0.05242960560488397},{"Country":392,"CountryCode":"JP","Value":0.04627867384490731},{"Country":156,"CountryCode":"CN","Value":0.037376766449142486}],"Title":"ibm - españa | ibm","Engagments":{"BounceRate":"0.5254932434161134","Month":"4","Year":"2023","PagePerVisit":"5.0986774732155675","Visits":"21276450.281570107","TimeOnSite":"309.8889967316775"},"EstimatedMonthlyVisits":{"2023-02-01":23197536,"2023-03-01":25260382,"2023-04-01":21276450},"GlobalRank":{"Rank":2300},"CountryRank":{"Country":840,"CountryCode":"US","Rank":2006},"CategoryRank":{"Rank":"4","Category":"Computers_Electronics_and_Technology/Computer_Hardware"},"IsSmall":false,"TrafficSources":{"Social":0.027638997100258078,"Paid Referrals":0.004312813202427894,"Mail":0.012367474914975229,"Referrals":0.04207337531979839,"Search":0.5898236234943061,"Direct":0.32378371596823413},"Category":"computers_electronics_and_technology/computer_hardware","LargeScreenshot":"

Then follows a long list of countries in alphabetical order from which visitors must have been viewing the website, which will serve a relevant purpose in tracking down data to improve site traffic.

Published inAPIApps, technologyTechnology