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What does the future of Bitcoin hold for us?

As a way to commemorate the 10-year anniversary of the Bitcoin network launch. A decade ago, the Bitcoin network was in its first days of life. Today it is the world’s first massively adopted, open cryptocurrency network and the future of finance.

Over the past 10 years, Bitcoin has gone from an idea proposed on cypherpunk forum and supported initially by a handful of people. To the cornerstone of a new industry that reaches all parts of the globe.

If the past decade has been any indication, the next 10 years in the crypto space will be exciting.

One thing is for sure, the next wave of massive Bitcoin adoption will only come through more outreach, more education, and more inclusion. We believe that everyone needs to understand the power that Bitcoin’s programmable money enables. The match that made Bitcoin

Also published on Medium.

Published inCryptocurrencies