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Web Scraping Free APIs That Help Acquiring Data In 2022

Do you need to collect information from the internet for your business? Take a look at three web scraping free APIs that help acquire data in 2022.

Web scraping is the process of utilizing bots to scrape content and data from a website. As a result, web scraping is used by a number of digital businesses that specialize in data collection. Web scraping has multiple advantages, such as:

-Reduce costs: Since you are borrowing the provider’s services, and all relevant components, you don’t have to incur any expenses for infrastructure or wages for hiring trained personnel.

-A quicker data delivery: Companies not only have a ready-to-use tool, but also a staff of data extraction service providers who pull data from a variety of sources.

-Ready-to-use data: The bot will deliver the data in your desired format, which you can instantly put to use.

There are two ways to extract the data from a website, first one is the old and traditional way to copy and paste the information and save it into an excel sheet. The major drawback of manually scraping was the time it required, which online scraping reduced. The second way to extract data is by a web scraping tool, which is the reason why humans are no longer required to obtain data from websites. This software allows you to scrape several web pages at once without having to track and handle each request separately. It may also be set up once and scrape a whole website in an hour or less, rather than the week that a single human would take.

Web Scraping Free APIs That Help Acquiring Data In 2022

Nowadays, there are many data scraping sites available for your business. Because of this, we will analyze three web scraping free APIs that help you acquiring data in 2022:

1. Codery

Web Scraping Free APIs That Help Acquiring Data In 2022

The Codery API crawls a website and extracts all of its structured data. You only need to provide the URL and they will take care of the rest.  In the form of an auto-filling spreadsheet, extract specific data from any webpage.

Using Codery, with a single request, the scale search engine crawls pages. Furthermore, to manage all types of websites, use a real browser to scrape and handle all of the javascript that runs on the page.

Web Scraping Free APIs That Help Acquiring Data In 2022

2. ScrapingBee

ScrapingBee is the third API that will fit your business. This web scraping tool focuses on extracting the data you need, and not dealing with concurrent headless browsers that will eat up all your RAM and CPU. Furthermore, it allows you to render Javascript with simple parameters so you can scrape every website, using React, AngularJS, or any other library.

3. Scraping Bot

Web Scraping Free APIs That Help Acquiring Data In 2022

Scraping Bot is a web scraping API that allows you to retrieve HTML content, without restrictions. Retail APIs (to retrieve a product description, price, and currency), Real Estate APIs (to collect property details, such as a purchase or rental price, surface, and location), and others. The features that include Scraping Bot are the API is simple to integrate, and the plan is reasonable. Scraping using headless browsers from websites written in Angular JS, Ajax, JS, React JS, and other languages. Besides, it supports proxy servers and browsers.

Also published on Medium.

Published inAppsTechnology
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