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Visual Product Search API For Improved User Experience

The e-commerce landscape is undergoing a profound shift, driven by a surge in consumer expectations. Shoppers now anticipate seamless, intuitive, and personalized experiences from their favorite brands. Traditional text-based search engines, while functional, often fall short in meeting these demands. Consumers crave more engaging and efficient ways to find products, which has spurred the rise of visual search technologies. Enter the Visual Product Search API—a revolutionary technology that is transforming the way users discover products.

How The Visual Product Search API Called SightScout is Changing The Game

Visual Product Search API For Improved User Experience

The advent of visual search technology has revolutionized product discovery. Users can now upload images or use their camera to find similar products, making the search process more intuitive and efficient. This technology transcends language barriers and allows for a more natural shopping experience, aligning with the way people naturally identify and describe items.

Traditional text searches can be cumbersome and often lead to irrelevant results. Visual search technology mitigates these issues by providing accurate and immediate results based on the visual similarity of products. This not only speeds up the search process but also reduces user frustration, leading to a more satisfying shopping experience.

An innovative solution for integrating visual search capabilities into e-commerce systems is the Visual Product Search API. Instead than using text queries for searches, it enables users to search using photos. By comparing an image’s visual characteristics with items in the database, this API generates extremely precise search results.

How Does the Save Records Endpoint Operate and What Is It?

This API allows you to upload the assets or images that users will look for. Stated differently, the search library is useful. For example, if it’s an e-commerce website, you have to upload

When you send a POST request to the Save Records endpoint, SightScout assesses the information you provide and, based on the objectID, either generates a new record or modifies an existing one. In the event that an objectID is not supplied, SightScout generates one automatically. If an existing objectID is provided, the record is completely rewritten with the updated data, except for the objectID.

Here’s some more details about it:

"objectID": "your-object-id",
"image_url": "value1",
"product_id": "value2",
"meta_data": "{\"color\":\"azul\",\"talle\":\"M\",\"brand\":\"ExampleBrand\"}"

Parameters Explained

  • objectID:
    • Type: String
    • Description: Unique identifier for the record. If not provided, SightScout generates one automatically. When specified, it ensures that the existing record with this objectID is completely replaced with the new data.
  • image_url:
    • Type: String
    • Description: URL of the product image. This image is used by SightScout for visual search matching.
  • product_id:
    • Type: String (Optional)
    • Description: An optional field that allows you to associate multiple images with a single product. This is particularly useful for e-commerce stores where a single product might have multiple images (e.g., different angles, colors, or variants).
  • meta_data:
    • Type: String (JSON-formatted)
    • Description: Additional metadata associated with the product. This can include attributes such as color, size, brand, and more. The metadata is stored as a JSON string and can be used to enhance search filters and improve user experience.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning play a pivotal role in advancing visual search technology. These technologies enable more accurate image recognition, personalized recommendations, and improved search efficiency. Explore how AI and machine learning can further enhance the capabilities of the API. The Visual Product Search API has a profound impact on user experience by offering a more intuitive, efficient, and engaging way to discover products. Its ability to deliver accurate results, reduce search frustration, and personalize the shopping journey makes it a valuable tool for e-commerce businesses.

Related Post: Visual Product Search API: Boost Sales And Engagement

Published inAPIAppsApps, technologyArtificial Intelligence (AI)E-commerceMachine LearningTechnologyTools
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