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VAT Number Check API: Most Common Uses Cases

In this article, we will talk about the most common uses cases of VAT Number Check API. If you are interested, keep reading!

VAT number validation is a process that checks whether a valid VAT number exists. It is a unique identification number that is assigned to all companies that are subject to VAT. This number can be used to identify a business and its location. By doing this, you can be sure that the person or company you are doing business with is who they say they are.

This is very important for both buyers and sellers. You can also avoid paying VAT on purchases from outside the EU and recover VAT on exports. This is why most people use VAT number validation APIs. These tools are very useful for both individuals and businesses. On one hand, they can help people check if the VAT number they have entered is valid or not.

On the other hand, they can also help businesses validate VAT numbers in their databases to ensure that they are all correct. Now that you know what VAT number validation APIs are and how they work, let’s talk about some of the most common uses cases of these kinds of tools.

VAT Number Check API: Most Common Uses Cases

Most Common Uses Cases Of VAT Number Check API

1- Verify if a company is legitimate or not: If you want to buy something from a company and want to make sure it is legitimate, you can use a VAT number checker API to see if the company’s VAT number is valid or not.

2- Check if a company has a valid VAT number or not: If you are a company and want to make sure that your suppliers or clients have a valid VAT number, you can use a VAT checker API.

3- Know where your money goes: If you are an individual, you can use VAT validation APIs to see where your money goes when you pay taxes.

4- Avoid paying taxes on purchases made outside the EU: If you are a buyer, you can use a VAT checker API to make sure that no taxes are charged on your purchases when they arrive at your door step.

5- Get back the money you paid in taxes on your exports: If you are a seller, you can use a VAT checker API to make sure that no taxes are charged on your shipments when they leave your country of origin.

6- Know if your company is in good standing: If you are an accountant or an auditor, you can use VAT checker APIs to see if your clients’ or customers’ companies are in good standing with tax authorities or not.

7- Check if your business is in good standing: If you own a business, you can use a VAT checker API to make sure that your business is in good standing with tax authorities or not.

Common Uses Cases

Now that we have talked about the most common uses cases of VAT Number Check API, we recommend using this tool: VAT Validation API.

VAT Validation API is a dependable utility available on Zyla Labs’ API marketplace. This tool lets you rapidly evaluate whether a VAT number is legitimate and receive information about the company from which the number was obtained.

VAT Number Check API: Most Common Uses Cases

How Make Use Of It?

  • First, create an account on Zyla API Hub, which is one of the most reliable APIs marketplaces in 2023. After this, you will be given an API key that will allow you to make API calls to any of the APIs available in Zyla API Hub.
  • Second, verify your API key by including your bearer token in the Authorization header. Once you’re finished with this step, you can begin making API calls.
  • Finally, provide the company’s name and country as parameters for VAT Validation API call; then use the endpoint VALIDATE and make the API call.
  • And…that’s it! Now wait for a few seconds for the response since VAT Validation API uses artificial intelligence to analyze all of its data quickly. Then it will respond with the VAT number and more information about the company.

If you choose “VALIDATE” as the endpoint type, you can analyze the following responses:

API Responses:
"valid": true,
"countryCode": "GB",
"vatNumber": "947785557",
"companyAddress": "58-60 COLNEY ROAD",
"companyCity": "DARTFORD",
"companyPostCode": "DA1 1UH"

That’s all there is to it! In just a few seconds, you’ll have all the information you need about any VAT number! Isn’t this incredible? Give it a shot right now and see how it goes!

Published inAPI