Woord’s audio library is a place where you can find all of the text-to-speech audios created by people with free accounts. This means that there is a wide variety of topics, in several different languages, ready for you to discover.
Here are a few short, fun examples:
You can find hundreds of audios that are short and sweet like these ones, or longer, more elaborate ones that are also very entertaining here.
Woord is a great software, this one being one of the many reasons why we love it. But, what are the other things that make it great?
Woord is a free online TTS with a lot of interesting features. It’s available in more than 50 languages, including many English, Portuguese, and Spanish dialects. You can also choose between masculine, feminine, or gender-neutral voices. All of these capabilities, as well as all of the languages, are accessible for free on the basic plan, allowing you to check out the service before purchasing the premium version. The free edition includes up to 20.000 characters every month, as well as professional voices, a chrome plugin, an SSML editor, and an MP3 download. Because the voices in this application are genuine, you may adjust their speed and structure.
You may convert your writing into professional speaking by using high-quality female or male voices. It’s ideal for e-learning, PowerPoint or PowerPoint presentations, YouTube videos, and making your website more accessible to visually impaired people.
Woord‘s TTS is a one-of-a-kind AI-assisted text-to-speech service and solution. This text-to-speech service uses high-quality, natural-sounding male or female voices
This service can help you improve your listening, speaking, and pronouncing abilities. While doing something else, listen to any printed text with real voices.
You can create your own audio here for free! And here’s a guide on how to use their SSML editor

Extra Info
They create new speech patterns every day, first with a binary distinction between male and female, then nations, and then accents within those nations. To ensure their clients’ comfort, they also have one of the most user-friendly and straightforward interfaces.
To aid visually impaired persons, entertain them, or educate them, create an audio version of the textual information. Any text may be converted into natural-sounding voices with TTS Reader. While being paused, continue listening from where you left off.
The text-to-speech reader supports Italian, French, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish, English, Indonesian, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Bengali, Welsh, and more languages.
There are also authentic Latin American voices available, such as Brazilian Portuguese, Argentinean, Mexican Spanish, and others.
Also published on Medium.