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Use This Hotel API To Search Hotels In Prague

Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic and one of the most important cities in Eastern Europe. Until the 19th century, it was one of the main cities of the continent, but the devastating world wars caused a great crisis in the city and in the whole country. The city of Prague has 1.2 million inhabitants, is the most populated city in the whole country, and among the most remarkable features of its geography is the Moldavian river that embraces the city with its canals, completely surrounding it.

For many, Prague is a true open-air museum. There are so many things to do that one can go a little crazy planning a trip to such a city. It is possible to tour medieval Prague, where merchants marked the economic life of the city, or even discover its more recent history, touring places marked by World War II, the Prague Spring, or the “recent” Velvet Revolution, where the end of the communist era began and the creation of two new countries, the Czech Republic (Czech Republic) and Slovakia.

Use This Hotel API To Search Hotels In Prague

Technology has transformed the tourism industry completely and in every aspect. One of the main impacts is the empowerment of the traveler. Technology has allowed the traveler to be much more informed and to take a proactive role in the organization of the trip. Tourists are now much more demanding, have several options to choose from, and have the power to negotiate. But they have also become not only simple visitors but also generators of content that they share with other travelers. 

From platforms such as Tripadvisor that allow them to leave opinions and ratings, travel blogs where they share their experiences, and social networks where they publish both the good and the bad of the trip. This active participation of travelers and their high expectations regarding the experience they want to live, put pressure on tourism companies to offer better quality, more variety, innovation, and continuous evolution. Travel APIs are the tools that support all these platforms and we will explain how.

Travel APIs: Why Are They Indispensable?

APIs are interfaces. In computing, an interface is a device capable of transforming signals generated by one device into signals understandable by another. Essentially, what APIs do is to permanently connect a digital platform with another software, providing it with external information or an external function such as Optical Character Recognition. Although they may seem invisible, APIs are present in most of the applications and websites we visit every day.

Travel APIs specifically provide connections with tourism service providers. Within the category of APIs, there are Hotel APIs that connect with Hotels, Flight APIs that provide flight information by connecting with airlines and airports, and Car Rental APIs that connect with car rental services. However, there are some end-to-end APIs, such as FlightLabs that allow you to integrate all of these services.

Use This Hotel API To Search Hotels In Prague

More About FlightLabs

FlightLabs will exceed your expectations in every way. This Travel API will give you all the information you need and more. By integrating it you will have access to the largest tourism database in the market. You will be able to integrate a search engine, which works with AI, is intuitive, personalizes the experience of your buyers, and provides real-time information on a wide variety of services and parameters.

You can search by specific parameters such as the currency in which you want to buy tickets or the type of room, but you can also quickly access all available information on car rentals and all hotels in a given place, as well as flights. This API is compatible with JSON, Curl, and Python languages among others. Getting started with FlightLabs is very simple and transformative. What are you waiting for to try it? 

Published inAppsTechnology