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Use This Country Data API To Get The Cost Of Living In Portugal

Do you want to get the cost of living in Portugal? In this article, we recommend you use this country data API to acquire all the information.

One of the most crucial considerations when deciding how to live in Portugal is housing. You would need to set aside between 454 and 582 euros a month if you want to rent a one-bedroom flat. On the other hand, you would require a minimum of 740 euros and a maximum of 1,000 euros per month to rent a three-bedroom apartment.

Use This Country Data API To Get The Cost Of Living In Portugal

If the apartment is in the city center, the price per square meter is 2,628 euros, and if it is outside the city center, it is 1,672 euros. I want to let you know that banks charge a 2.22% interest rate on mortgage loans if you wish to buy a house but haven’t yet saved enough money.

If you go out to a medium-category restaurant for dinner with friends or your significant other, the bill will come to around 30 euros overall. On the other hand, I doubt the bill will be more than €8 if you eat alone in a budget bar or restaurant. In addition, Portugal’s supermarkets are far less expensive than those in Spain’s neighborhood.

Contrarily, a single trip on the public transportation system would run you roughly €1,60; but, if you opt for a monthly pass, you will pay €40 and get unlimited trips for the entire month. The taxi meter will read €3.35, and it will increase by 64 cents for each additional kilometer you go. A cab ride can run you for about 15 euros for an hour. In Portugal, the cost of a liter of gasoline is between 1.50 and 1.60 euros.

In terms of another extra, but very significant cost, you will need to pay about 34€ per month to have internet access inside your flat. Basic monthly costs for services including electricity, water, and gas will not be more than 102 euros.

Use An API

Here we see how important it is to get this data from each location. These and many more data such as health, education in each city, or even different types of basic expenses are very important to design the necessary budgets to live or settle in a city.

In this sense, if you are studying these data you have to do thorough research on each basic expense segment. However, this may take you a long time and you may have a margin of error with prices or other information.

Here what we will do is recommend Cities Cost of Living and Average Prices API since it contemplates a great number of cities around the world. This is an example of the API response:

"prices": [
      "good_id": 1,
      "item_name": "Price per square meter to Buy Apartment Outside of City Center",
      "category_id": 1,
      "category_name": "Buy Apartment",
      "min": 1651.09,
      "avg": 2623.48,
      "max": 4127.72,
      "usd": {
        "min": "1725.29",
        "avg": "2741.39",
        "max": "4313.23"
      "measure": "money",
      "currency_code": "EUR"
Use This Country Data API To Get The Cost Of Living In Portugal

About Cities Cost of Living and Average Prices API

With Cities Cost of Living and Average Prices API, you will be able to see the prices in the international currency of your choice. You will be able to compare complete basic baskets and specific segments.

You will be able to make studies comparing the quality of life in different places as well as add additional data to your travel company. Moreover, it is very easy to integrate into websites and apps because you can use it with different programming languages.

Published inApps, technology
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