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Use This API To Have Coffee And Rice Prices

Are you looking for an API that tells you in real time the prices of commodities such as coffee and rice? If the answer is yes, then I recommend that you continue reading this article.

Coffee is the beverage obtained from the roasted and ground beans of the fruits of the coffee plant. It is known to be a highly stimulating drink because of its caffeine content. Caffeine is a psychoactive substance. This product is one of the most commercialised in the world. It is also one of the three most consumed beverages in the world. The taste for coffee is not spontaneous, but has to be cultivated, because its taste is strong and bitter.

Rice, on the other hand, is a monocotyledonous plant. It is normally cultivated as an annual plant, but in tropical areas it can survive as a perennial plant.  The cultivation of this raw material is highly related to countries and regions with low labour costs and high rainfall. This is because it is a crop with high labour and water requirements. Although its ancestral species are native to Asia and also certain parts of Africa. Centuries of trade and export have made it common in many cultures around the world.

Since these products are extremely important to world economies, being aware of their prices is really important. Whether you are importing or exporting. These commodities are vital to the functioning of global strategies.That is why to know the prices in real time we recommend you to use commodities-API, it is an API that shows in different currencies the price of different commodities.

Steps to try it out:

1- Go to

2- Register to get your own API key.

3- Look for the symbols in the list.

4- Then make the API call. This can be done using the symbols on the board.

5- The website will deliver an API in various computer terminologies.

Commodities-API paid subscription plans come with 256-bit SSL encryption. This is to connect to the API via SSL. Commodities-API also supports cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) and access control headers. This will allow you to use the Commodities-API via cross-origin HTTP requests. Prices are displayed to two decimal places. And the currencies available are many, the latest addition being cryptocurrencies.

Published inAppsTechnology