If you want to get the cost of living in Italy, you must use this API.
Before learning how much it costs to live in Italy, you should be aware that the average salary there is €1,453 per month. It’s never simple to find a one-bedroom apartment to rent in our country, especially if your monthly income is less than 500 euros. The cost of a 3-bedroom apartment ranges from 900 to 1,300 euros, which is much more expensive.
You must be informed that the price per square meter varies from 2,300 to 4,000 euros, or virtually zero if you choose to purchase a home than rent one. Another factor is the low annual percentage rate (APR) of mortgage loans, which is 1.65%.
You will spend roughly €1.50 for a single trip on any type of public transportation in the nation. If you want to use it regularly, it would be worthwhile to consider the option of paying 35 euros for a travel card.
In Italy, hailing a cab costs around 5 euros, and an extra 1.28 euros are charged for each subsequent kilometer. If you drive, you should be aware that a liter of gasoline costs 1,86€ right now in Italy.
There are restaurants in Italy that can give you a crucial stick, so choose where you dine wisely. Typically, a medium-category restaurant would charge you around 30 euros to take a seat for lunch or dinner. A menu at a fast food restaurant will run you about 8 euros, but it is also feasible to find places where you may dine for less money.
On the other hand, movie tickets in the theater run about 8,90€. Gym memberships are pricey; the average monthly cost for a mid-range gym is about 46 euros. The monthly cost of installing internet in your flat is about 38€.
Basic monthly expenses for gas, water, and electricity can reach 167 euros. You should expect to pay roughly 75 euros for a pair of high-quality (or pricey, depending on how you look at it) brand jeans.
Apply An API
We are aware of several things after seeing all this data. First off, a lot of this data is subject to change because it relies on a variety of circumstances, particularly in light of the current state of the world economy.
Individuals who are thinking about traveling to another city around the globe should consider this. Scientists from other fields who need to do a study on the price and standard of living in various countries around the world are also interested in it.
You can check the City’s Cost of Living and Average Prices API to acquire precise and factual data on these low prices for goods and services. Wherever this API is connected, the data will be updated immediately. This is an example of the API response:
"prices": [ { "good_id": 1, "item_name": "Price per square meter to Buy Apartment Outside of City Center", "category_id": 1, "category_name": "Buy Apartment", "min": 1651.09, "avg": 2623.48, "max": 4127.72, "usd": { "min": "1725.29", "avg": "2741.39", "max": "4313.23" }, "measure": "money", "currency_code": "USA" },
Why Cities Cost of Living and Average Prices API?
Cities’ Average Prices and Cost of Living Among the most well-known is API, which offers rates for a variety of industries, including food, transportation, school, health, and more. The programming language of your choice can also be used with it. The pricing can also be displayed in the currency of your preference.