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Use This API To Get Natural Gas Prices In Australian Dollar

Do you want to know the price of natural gas in the Australian Dollar? Then you should use this API.

Natural gas is a mixture of four different gases that occur naturally, each with its own molecular structure. Methane, which makes up 70-90 percent of natural gas, is present in this mixture, as well as ethane, butane, and propane. These gases are the consequence of compressed heat and pressure from extinct animals that have been buried deep beneath the Earth’s surface for millions of years.

Furthermore, natural gas is an excellent natural energy source with a number of advantages over other energy sources, including lesser impurities, chemical complexity, combustion pollutants, and carbon dioxide emissions. It is also very easy to obtain. To generate energy, natural gas is extracted and blended with a liquid known as crude oil.

As a result of all of this, it is one of the most widely traded and important commodities on the planet. The United States is the top producer, with annual output exceeding 32 billion MMcf. Russia and Iran are in second and third place, respectively, with 22 and 10 billion dollars.

white plastic container on black gas stove

On the other hand, Australia produces 2,384,327.54 million cubic feet (MMcf) of natural gas per year, ranking 16th in the world (as of 2015). Also, Australia exports 41% of its natural gas production (977,908 MMcf). Since 2017, Australia has consumed 1,597,955 million cubic feet of natural gas per year. As a result, this country ranks 25th in the world in terms of natural gas consumption, accounting for roughly 1.2 percent of global consumption.

As a result, staying up to date on natural gas rates in Australian Dollars may be crucial in order to make sensible investment decisions. You may end up with terrible results and lose money if you do not watch the commodity and see how it performs in the market.

Because of this, you should try Commodities-API, a programmatic interface that retrieves data from a location and returns it to the user who initiated the API call. This tool can be used to look up natural gas prices in the Australian Dollar and see how the market responds.

Why Commodities-API?

Commodities-API is a website that allows you to track the price of a range of commodities, including natural gas. You’ll be able to forecast prices and convert them into your preferred currency this way. This platform also supports rice, coffee, corn, sugar, wheat, Brent crude oil, WTI crude oil, soybeans, gold, silver, and a variety of other commodities.

Additionally, Commodities-API data can be delivered in any currency, including the Australian Dollar, with a two-decimal point precision and a choice of over 170 alternatives. You can also receive data updates every 60 seconds and perform 100.000 API requests per month. To obtain the information, create an account on the website, obtain an API key, and then select the currency and commodity of interest. That’s all there is to it, and you can use the API however you choose.

How to use it?

To find out how much natural gas costs in Australian Dollars, follow these instructions:

1- Get your unique API key by registering at

2- Look up the natural gas symbols as well as the currency you’ll be working with. The Australian Dollar is the preferred currency in this scenario.

3- Using these symbols, locate the commodity and money in the list. Make the API call once you’ve decided on them.

4- The website will offer an API in a variety of programming languages that you can customize, use, and adapt as needed.

Published inAppsTechnology