Do you want to make sure that there are no images on the internet that use your brand to create scams; or use your assets without permission? Let us tell you that you are in the right post; since we know the best Optical Character Recognition API to collect information from all over the web; and check that your content is safe from plagiarism!
With the massive increase of published information that has occurred in recent years, the methods used to organize all of this data stored in databases are becoming more prevalent. Images are one of these contents.
One of the most popular methods of searching for images is to use metadata entered manually by users. Currently, there are search engines that allow you to search for images based on the language that appears in them, such as the DIRS search engine. However, there are many images on the internet that are not indexable and may contain partial assets from your brand or product.
There are services, such as this API, that, by segmenting a picture; detect the contours or regions of the image using determinist or statistical methods; based on intensity or spatial information. To that goal, it is possible to decompose a text into different logical entities that must be sufficiently invariable to be independent of the author and significant enough to merit recognition.
If we combine these capabilities with the ability to create an automatic URL introduction; we can create an image detector that searches the whole internet to determine whether or not images are indexable.

How Can You Use An Optical Character Recognition API?
Because of Optical Character Recognition API, there is a generic method for carrying out picture segmentation that is sufficiently efficient for text analysis. Although the most often used techniques are variations on methods based on linear programming; all of this and more is possible because of the benefits provided by AI.
Alternatively, if you want to find partial images or grayscale levels; you may use a tool that determines the modes or groups (clusters) based on the histogram; allowing you to classify or highlight the pixels in homogeneous regions.
If you want to protect your brand; and prevent the internet from exploiting your image, you should try Optical Character Recognition API; since we are sure that in addition to helping you protect your identity online; it can give you many other very valuable functions that you should try!
Prevent Your Brand From Being Used Without Permission By Using The Best API On The Market!
With an API like Optical Character Recognition API, you can examine each image you submit and then extracts every word from it. To acquire the textual information that the image includes; all you need to do is submit the URL of the image of your choice.
Companies should utilize the Optical Character Recognition API if they want to extract text from their images. It will also help you find out whether images connected to your business are online without your consent.

To classify images containing text, Optical Character Recognition API will be useful, because character recognition technology enables you to read a picture’s text, identify its category, and get the words in their entirety. The findings will astound you, and the API is quite user-friendly.
Related Post: Use This OCR API To Examined And Extract Every Image’s Word Within It
Also published on Medium.