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Use This API To Access To A Wide Range Of Colors!

What brand comes to mind when you picture a black apple and a red soda can? In each case, color plays a major role in brand recognition.

We can easily recognize and associate brands with emotions because of color.

The vital relevance of color must be taken into account for an effective and comprehensive brand strategy. When it comes to the variety of elements that go into creating a brand’s identity and experience, color is much more than just an aesthetic factor. Customers’ first impression of your brand will be based on color, and perception is accompanied by a wide range of emotional connections.

Your brand’s color is a crucial character in its narrative. You must consider factors other than your own, subjective preferences when selecting a hue to symbolize your brand.

Use This API To Access To A Wide Range Of Colors!

Color and the brain

Humans use their primary sense of vision to explore and make sense of their surroundings. The cerebral cortex of the brain and the central nervous system respond to colors in various ways. One of the main forces behind human evolution has been the accurate sense of color. Consider how crucial color is to develop the value of your brand if it is so important to human evolution.

When we humans recognize a color, our brains immediately undergo a chemical change that results in an emotional response. Numerous ideas, memories, and connections to people, places, and events are sparked by this response. Color has a significant impact on us. Color may elicit a response in our minds. All of this occurs instantly without our knowledge.

We all understand that color is simply the reflection of specific light waves that your optic nerve detects and sends to your brain via nerves. Color is merely a reflection of reality; it doesn’t really exist. We have all been predisposed and taught to associate certain colors with certain emotions in accordance with the principles of the larger culture. When building the foundation of your brand’s identity in the marketplace, these cultural links to particular colors need to be a major influence on your strategic and creative decisions.

There is an impact on the body within the visible light spectrum. Long wavelength colors, like red, cause the brain to respond to identification more quickly. While blue is more calming and has the ability to lower blood pressure, heart rate, and respiration. It’s no coincidence that Progressive, an insurance company, uses blue as the main color in its visual identity system.

Why do we recommend the Color Palette API?

This API has the ability to suggest color palettes related to your current RGB colors. Also, you can get a random palette to start working with. 

Use This API To Access To A Wide Range Of Colors!

What this API receives and what your API provides (input/output)?

This API will receive the RGB colors that you currently have and will suggest additional colors to add to your current palette. 

What are the most common uses cases of this API?

This API is ideal for those web designers that need to have different suggestions based on their current color palette. Be able to access a wide range of colors and start creating styled apps and websites with beautiful colors. 

Also published on Medium.

Published inApps, technology
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