Are you already using an API to get market data? Check this others options of commodities prices API here!
Market data is the live broadcasting of trade-related information. It includes a variety of data such as price, bid/ask quotations, and market volume. Reports on various assets and financial instruments are provided by trading venues and supplied to traders and companies. Thousands of worldwide markets, including equities, indices, currency, and commodities, have market data available.
Traders utilize market data to estimate the value of various assets and to guide their strategy to entering and leaving deals. The goal of using market data is to gather as much information about the asset you want to trade as possible so that you can quantify market risk and the impact of live news releases.
Therefore, to keep up to date with market data prices, many servers and traders use platforms that have computer programs called APIs that provide constant and updated information on commodity stock data. Now, you are probably using one of them with the CommoPrices platform.

CommoPrices delivers accurate, up-to-date, and unbiased statistics. We provide the world’s broadest assortment of commodities and raw resources. By utilizing a Market Intelligence platform, CommoPrices can assist any organization attempting to improve their commodity purchase.This website has a great and dependable source of commodity quote data and analysis. We are devoted to providing reliable, up-to-date, and unbiased data to help professionals follow commodities more effectively.
The platform of CommoPrices provides dependable, accurate, and up-to-date information. They provide a diverse range of items and raw materials. The amount of data in a market impacts its liquidity. For safety purposes, they use HTTPS to encrypt transactions between your browser and their servers. But if you’ve gotten tired or are looking for one more option to the services provided by CommoPrices, we bring you this list of APIs that are dedicated to doing the same:
Commodities-API it´s an accessible API is used to price oil, rice, sugar, coffee, and other basic commodities. The website is simple to use: first acquire an API key, then select the appropriate currency and product to access the data. Following that, you are more than invited to utilize the API as you see fit.
Users of Commodities-API can select from over 170 different currencies and obtain data with two decimal places of precision. You may make up to 100,000 API queries each month and receive data updates every 60 seconds.
Global fintech company Barchart provides market data and services to the financial, commodities, and media industries. He was a pioneer in the establishment of websites that give information on commodities and futures markets. Barchart’s media brands not only provide web content, news, and magazines to help financial and commodities professionals make decisions, but they also power the operations of its diverse client base from the front end to the back end.
Trading Economics
Trading Economics provides real time data feeds for government bonds, stock indexes, stock prices, and foreign exchange rates. Thousands of enterprises can also access basic financial resources. Users get direct access to our data through an application programming interface (API) that is available in a variety of programming languages. You may check an earnings calendar, download millions of rows of historical data, and subscribe to real-time quotes from worldwide financial markets using this API.