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Use JSON API To Get Iron Ore Rates

Do you need to know Iron Ore Rates in JSON API? Here, we explain to you how to do it.

Iron ores are rocks and minerals that can be mined for metallic iron economically. They abound in the ores, which range in hue from dark grey to brilliant yellow to deep purple to rusty red. Besides, they are the primary source of iron for the global iron and steel industry.

Almost all iron ore (98%) is used to create steel and it is mined in over 50 nations. Five primary steel products, including rebar, wire rod, and hot-rolled coils, look to be in higher demand. Thanks to this, iron ores have improved the production of steel.

Use JSON API To Get Iron Ore Rates

With this in mind, you need to understand that having access to hourly prices of iron ores can be fundamental to your business. This can be obtained through an API, which is an interface that provides you data after having collected it from a specific place. With this, you get a lot of information in just seconds.

Most APIs work with JSON format. If you don’t know what this is, we’ll explain it to you. JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a text-based, schema-free representation of structured data based on key-value pairs and ordered lists. Despite the fact that it is developed from JavaScript, it is supported natively or via libraries in the majority of major programming languages. 


JSON is the de facto standard for transmitting data between web servers, browsers, and mobile applications. Its basic architecture and versatility make it simple to read and comprehend, and in most situations, straightforward to alter in your preferred programming language. The lack of a formal schema allows the format to be flexible, but that flexibility might make it difficult to confirm that you’re reading and writing JSON correctly.

If you’re creating software that interacts with a browser or a native mobile app, you should utilize JSON as the data format. Using an out-of-date format like XML is a red signal to front-end and mobile talent you’d otherwise like to acquire.

How To Get An API

So, with all this being said, you are probably wondering how to get the JSON API. There are a few softwares that provide you with it and can be really helpful. However, not every single one of them works the same way, so you should investigate before jumping into one and wasting your money.

We highly recommend using Metals-API, since it’s an amazing API that can give you rates from a large list of metals in different currencies with a precision of 2 decimal points. 

Use JSON API To Get Iron Ore Rates

You must do the following to receive the information:

  1. Go to and create your own API key.
  2. Look for the iron ores and the currency of your preference.
  3. Before performing the API request, add metal and money to the list using these symbols. You may also select a programming language and a variety of price options.
  4. Finally, you hit the “run” button, and you’re done! The API will be displayed on your screen.

The API will look like this.:


Why Use This API?

The Metals-API API can provide precise exchange rate data for precious metals as well as 170 foreign currencies, including Bitcoin and other major cryptocurrencies. Every minute, this API collects exchange rate data from over 15 credible data sources. Banks and financial data companies are among the sources. Besides, it provides midpoint exchange rate data. This is calculated by taking the average median rate of Bid and Ask at a given moment.

Also published on Medium.

Published inAppsTechnology