Customer analytics is becoming increasingly important in business growth. Getting as much information as possible to create reports or ways to get hired is gold for any business. Creating and researching it is just an Email away.
Business research tools evolved along with technologies. Now only with the business email of a client can you have all the information of your company legally. This is possible thanks to APIs.
This is an API for categorizing the backend content of an email that can be used both to generate leads. All without additional expenses and to detect the veracity of the companies with which you are working or plan to work.

Everything is as easy as opening the API page like GetZyla and entering a business email from your customer. What it means is that it can be read by anyone, because is in the JSON format.
How Zyla Works
The Zyla Company Classification API takes a URL as an input and returns data for the company category associated with that URL. This API examines a company’s website and classifies it into one of 385+ topic groupings.
This allows you to search for information in an email, a firm, or a website and categorize it. You can get his or her full name, face photo (avatar), address, how many employees the company has, company logo, company category, and corporate social network connections with only one email.

Main Features
- Form shortening:
Hide or autofill fields to keep forms short while collecting the information you need.
- Advanced email personalization:
Increase engagement by sending emails that are more relevant to the job role, company size, or any of our 100+ data points.
- Keep your entire lead database fresh:
This automatically every 30 days refresh all of your records so you always have the most up-to-date information.
Zyla Use Cases
- Content Classification
Zyla Text analyzes a document and creates a list of content categories that apply to the text contained inside it.
- Document Processing
Zyla Text makes data capturing at scale easier and reduces document processing costs.
- Customer Profiling
With Zyla Text, you can turn each customer’s email or domain into an enriched company profile and industry.
- Fraud Detection & Web Filtering
Zyla Text uses powerful machine learning to classify billions of domains. Our API analyzes a company’s website and categorizes it into 385+ topic areas (IAB V2 standard).
- Classify products into categories
Zyla Image predicts the class of a specific object in an image. The main goal of this technique is to precisely identify the qualities in an image.
- Video Moderation
You can use Zyla Video to find stuff that is inappropriate, unwanted, or objectionable. Businesses can use Zyla Video API in social media and e-commerce contexts to give a safer user experience.
Also published on Medium.