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Use Cases Of IP geolocation API Services In E-commerce

Are you attempting to break into the IP geolocation API world? Then have a look at these pointers!

Without even realizing it, you’re probably already applying some type of personalisation. The question is whether or not each part has been optimized for conversions. According to a Harvard Business School research, insufficient market segmentation causes 85 percent of 30,000 new product launches to fail, which is why marketers should pay special attention to it.

Starting with the most crucial, below are some client segmentation variables that your content customization strategy should address.

Use Cases Of IP geolocation API Services In E-commerce


Geotargeting by city, country, or area is an excellent strategy to boost conversion rates. Marketers can use a geolocation API to establish their key sources of website traffic as well as their visitors’ actual locations in order to present them with suitable offers.

The following are some examples of geotargeting techniques:

1- The user’s decision or the local currency determines the price.
2- Customers’ delivery options, pricing, and pick-up locations are all explained to them.
3- Localized home or product pages are loaded into browsers.

Frequency of Visitors

The regularity with which users access websites can aid in the creation of buyer personas. This number shows the user’s e-commerce shopper status (i.e., whether he’s a first-time visitor, a returning user, or a lapsed user).

Personalization strategies based on visitor frequency include:

1- To encourage people to return, offer discounts based on visitor type (e.g., 10% for first-time visitors, 20% for repeat shoppers, and so on).
2- Frequent shoppers can get free shipping.
3- Using other digital touchpoints, such as social media or Google AdWords, to retarget dormant users.

Previous Purchases

This variable can be used to assess and quantify the average order value (AOV) per transaction for each customer, as well as to streamline campaigns and time series forecasting. It considers, among other things, the total number of orders, the average amount spent each order, and the products purchased over a specific time period.

Personalization strategies that work include:

1-Sending discount vouchers to lapsed “high spenders” or members to revive them
2- On each product page, provide unique product recommendations.
3- Customers are notified when items on their wish lists are on sale.

From IP to location APIs use IP addresses to determine the location of a device that is being used to access your website. The API can be used to track any electrical device, such as a smartphone or laptop. The data points for continents, countries, regions, cities, latitude, and longitude are then delivered. Some APIs can provide additional data points that are useful.

What API Should You Consider Using?

On the internet, there are a plethora of IP geolocation APIs to choose from. It can be difficult to choose which one to utilize because there are so many. As a result, approach with caution because not every tool is beneficial or performs in the same manner, and selecting the wrong pick might be disastrous for your company.

To make the process as simple as possible, we strongly urge you to use ipXapi, one of the best IP geolocation APIs accessible. Because it is linked to many channels, this instrument may be able to offer real-time IP data. The API’s database is updated on a daily basis, with up to 24 modifications each day.

Use Cases Of IP geolocation API Services In E-commerce

To make advantage of it, you must perform the following:

  1. Go to and create an account.
  2. Enter the IP address where you want data to come from.
  3. The website will return a result in JSON format.
  4. Save the API to your computer and use it as needed.

IpXapi also includes a currency module, which comes in handy. With this capability, you can get correct currency information right away. This includes the currency code, name, and symbol used in the IP address location returned. You may then use this information to deliver a more personalized shopping experience for your customers by displaying pricing in their native currency. Customers will have a better experience as a result, and revenue will improve.

Published inAppsTechnology
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