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Use An API To Turn IP Address Into Web Client’s Connection Data

Are you looking for a way to find the real information about the connection data of your customers? This is a data that can be obtained only with the ip address of the visitors. Therefore, I recommend you to read this article to be able to decipher it.

Customer data helps managers to take really important actions for the company. Some may have to do with purely marketing or advertising issues. And others can be linked to communication issues.

With the IP address can be known data such as the address, the type of currency used to make online purchases, the zip code, the type of internet connection and other data. All this can be known through an API that has to be linked to your site.

Use An API To Turn IP Address Into Web Client's Connection Data

The term API refers to the abbreviation of Application Programming Interfaces. It is a set of definitions and protocols. Also, it is generally used to develop and integrate application software. It also allows communication between two software applications, all this through a set of rules.

Thus we speak of an API as a formal specification. This is established as a module of a software that communicates or interacts with another to fulfill one or many functions. Obviously, it all depends on the applications that are going to use them. 

After a strong research on the subject and on the APIs of the current market we have come to the conclusion that currently the best one that is in the market to be able to geolocate the IP address of the clients is ipXapi. Since it provides correct, effective, secure information and the most important data. Excellent quality.

Use An API To Turn IP Address Into Web Client's Connection Data

IpXapi has 3 plans that vary according to the number of calls you want to provide. That is why using this tool you can identify from which place customers make their purchases. The ipXapi database is constantly updated and receives up to 24 updates per day.

How To Try It

  1. Login to
  2. Type your IP address or click on the “look up” button.
  3. You are done! You now have the IP address and all the information to use whenever you want.

It is very easy to get the information and that way you will be able to know where your customers are shopping from.

Published inAppsTechnology
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