Have been you searching for a way to find out your customers’ zip codes so that you can conduct Geomarketing research? After which I suggest keeping reading this post.
It is necessary to obtain the postal code of the customers in order to carry out marketing actions. What is the zip code? It is a scheme that assigns a code to different areas or places in a country and attaches it to the address. It is used to automate and simplify the routing of a mailing.
In order to be able to carry out excellent marketing actions, it is necessary to segment and know precisely where the customers are. In this way, location-based marketing strategies can be developed. This can be done from the postcode.
This script could be used in geomarketing research. This type of marketing determines the composition of a market in a given geographic area by combining geographic variables with psychographic and demographic variables. Nevertheless, psychographic analysis is commonly pushed to the sidelines. Whereas demographic analysis is more important.

Client information can be obtained by using an API, which is an application programming interface. It consists of a collection of subroutines, functions, and procedures. It provides a library that can be used as an abstraction layer by other software.
How To Do That?
There are many such APIS to get the IP address, but after an exhaustive time searching, we came to the conclusion that ipXapi is the best, most complete and reliable one.
It provides really accurate information about where the device is geolocated. You can customize the user experience based on IP addresses. The IpXapi database and API are integrated with a number of large ISPs. However, they constantly provide information on new and existing IP ranges. And the data is really very accurate.
Because the ipXapi database and API are integrated with a number of large ISPs that constantly provide information on new and existing IP ranges, so they are proud to offer a very high level of IP data accuracy.

The data used by this API is updated regularly. The databases have 24 updates per day. And ipXapi is integrated with multiple channels that provide real-time IP data and its data is growing every day and currently supports more than 2 million unique locations, in over 200,000 cities around the world.
To sum up, it provides very precise, accurate and reliable information. To try it out you just have to log on to www.ipxapi.com and register. With that user you can test or implement a non-commercial use of the tool. If you are looking to implement it on your business site you can access one of the 3 plans available. Finally, they have different features depending on the needs of customers.