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Use An API To Obtain Wheat Prices In Indian Rupees

Do you want to get wheat rates in Indian Rupees? Then you need to employ this API. 

Wheat is undeniably one of the best methods to generate money right now since its consumption grows year after year. Gluten proteins’ sticky properties make it possible to make processed foods out of this cereal grain. This is a product of both globalization and dietary westernization.

Another intriguing fact is that wheat production in 2017 was 772 million tonnes, with 766 million tonnes projected in 2019. With this, we can confirm that it is one of the world’s most essential commodities and that investing wisely in it may pay off handsomely. To accomplish so, you’ll need to keep up with a number of prices, both historical and current.

If you’re considering making an investment like this, you should be aware of how critical it is to maintain track of market values instantaneously. To achieve this, use Commodities-API, a programmatic interface that retrieves data from a place and returns it to the person who initiated the API call, to do this. This service lets you look up wheat rates and see how they’re doing in the market.

Use An API To Obtain Wheat Prices In Indian Rupees

Why Commodities-API?

Commodities-API is a platform for tracking the price of a variety of commodities, including wheat. This way, you’ll be able to forecast prices and convert them into the currency of your choice. Rice, coffee, corn, sugar, natural gas, Brent crude oil, WTI crude oil, soybeans, gold, silver, and a range of other commodities are also supported by this platform.

Also, Commodities-API data can be provided in any currency, including Indian Rupees, with an accuracy of two decimal points, and can be selected from a list of over 170 options. You can also get 60-second data updates and make 100.000 API requests per month. To get the data, sign up for an account on the website, get an API key, and then choose the currency and commodity you’re interested in. That’s all there is to it, and you’re free to utilize the API as you want.

In addition, Commodities-API also employs JSON API, or JavaScript Object Notation, an encoding approach designed to eliminate the requirement for each application to write its own ad-hoc code in order to connect with servers that interact in a specified manner. The JSON API module includes support for entity types, bundles, and fields, as well as data storage and data structures.

Use An API To Obtain Wheat Prices In Indian Rupees

How to use it?

If you want to know how much wheat costs in Indian rupees, you need complete the following:

1- To get your unique API key, go to and sign up.

2- Look up the wheat symbols as well as the currency you’ll be working with. The Indian Rupee in this situation.

3- Using these symbols, locate the commodity and money in the list. Once you’ve settled on them, make the API call.

4- The website will provide an API that you may customize, use, and adapt as needed in a variety of computer languages.

Also published on Medium.

Published inAppsTechnology