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Use An API To Get Rhenium Rates In Euros

Do you want to know rhenium rates in Euros with an API? You should read this article!

Rhenium is a metal that is extremely strong, ductile, and cold workable. It’s a high-temperature material used in a wide range of applications. More than 80% of the world’s rhenium is used in high-temperature superalloys for aircraft applications such as turbine blades and engine components.

Rhenium compounds are used as a catalyst for homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis in many industries, including petrochemistry, pharmaceuticals, and organic synthesis processes including isomerization, hydrogenation, and alkylation. Platinum-rhenium catalysts are required in petroleum refineries for catalytic reforming, which is a chemical process. Low-octane petroleum naphtha is converted into high-octane, unleaded antiknock fuels for internal combustion engines and aromatic hydrocarbons for various syntheses using this process.

Use An API To Get Rhenium Rates In Euros

To summarize, rhenium has a wide range of characteristics and uses. It’s a component of the economy’s most vital industries, as well as our everyday lives. The rhenium market is extremely volatile, with prices fluctuating daily due to a variety of factors. As a result, to determine the optimal time to invest, it is vital to be updated about the market prices. And it can be difficult to update Euro values. But it’s not impossible. So, you should use an API.

But what is an API, exactly?

A software interface that allows two applications to interact with one another is known as an application programming interface (API). A mobile phone app connects to the Internet and sends data to a server when you use it. The server analyzes the data, validates its legitimacy, and then delivers it back to your phone. The computer then analyzes the data and presents it to you in an understandable fashion.

If you want to use an API that gives Euros value information, Metals-API is a good option. With just a few simple clicks, you’ll have access to the most user-friendly option for following live metals prices.

Why Metals-API?

It is updated every 60 seconds with a 0.2 decimal difference. It comes in a variety of metals. It can communicate with a wide range of devices, including telephones and computers. It compiles metal price data from some of the world’s most recognizable financial institutions and banks. Commercial sources are given higher weight since they better represent market exchange values, especially for important currencies and items.

Use An API To Get Rhenium Rates In Euros

It’s simple to join Metals-API:

  1. To get an API key, go to
  2. As far as working resources go, go with metal (RHENIUM) and Currency.
  3. Before connecting to the API with these symbols, add metal and currency to your list. There are a variety of programming languages available, as well as a variety of price points. (JSON; PHP)
  4. To complete the objective, you must press the “run” button.

The API should look like this on your screen:

"success": true,
"timestamp": 1519296206,
"base": "RHENIUM",
"date": "2018-09-10",
"rates": {
"AUD": 1.566015,
"CAD": 1.560132,
"CHF": 1.154727,
"CNY": 7.827874,
"GBP": 0.882047,
"JPY": 132.360679,
"USD": 1.23396,
Published inAppsTechnology
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