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Use An API To Get LME Aluminium Rates In Japanese Yen

Do you want to obtain LME Aluminium rates in Japanese Yen? Then, there is an API that could be helpful for you. 

Aluminum is a lightweight silvery-white metal. It’s flexible and malleable. Aluminum is utilized in cans, foils, cooking utensils, window frames, beer kegs, and airplane parts, among other things.

By 2017, worldwide aluminum demand (primary and secondary/recycled) is predicted to increase 5.8% per year to 82.5 million metric tons. More than half of the new volume demand in 2017 will come from China. As a result, you should stay current on the market so that you don’t miss out on profitable possibilities by evaluating which alternative is best for you.

In this regard, the best tool for acquiring real-time information about metals is to use an API, which is an interface for receiving data from a place and sending it to the person who requested it. It’s that easy, and you’ll find yourself employing it in a variety of situations. It’s called Metals-API, and we’ll show you how to use it.

Use An API To Get LME Aluminium Rates In Japanese Yen

Why Metals-API?

Metals-API is a fantastic tool for investors, traders, and anyone else interested in buying, selling, or trading metals since it allows you to quickly and easily find current global market prices for any metal (including aluminum and silver).

Metals-API features a search engine that is dedicated to finding up-to-date price data feeds on certain elements or combinations of elements. The API, which comes in JSON and PHP formats, can be utilized for a wide range of programming projects.

In this sense, you can obtain updated rates using an API because this technology collects accurate data from a variety of sources, including the London Metal Exchange (LME), the world’s largest exchange for industrial metals. Using this technology, you will be able to determine the best time to invest in this industry.

Use An API To Get LME Aluminium Rates In Japanese Yen

Also, Bitcoin and Litecoin, as well as more than 170 other currencies (such as the Japanese Yen), commodities, and cryptocurrencies are accepted. Using the same API endpoints, any quantity can be converted from one currency to another, as well as from one metal to any metal and any currency to any currency.

How does it work?

1. Go to and get your API key.

2. Look for the aluminum symbol and currency sign you wish to use in the website’s list. The Japanese Yen in this scenario.

3. Add metal and money to the list with these symbols, then make the API call.

4- As far as programming languages go, you have the option of using JSON or PHP.

Also published on Medium.

Published inAppsTechnology