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Use An API To Get Agriculture Rates Per Bushel

Do you wish to obtain agriculture rates per bushel? Then use an API!

Agriculture was a critical stage in the development of sedentary human civilization because it created food surpluses that allowed people to live in cities. It has been practiced for thousands of years, and by the twentieth century, industrial agriculture based on large-scale monoculture had come to dominate agricultural output, despite the fact that around 2 billion people still relied on subsistence agriculture.

Agriculture employs more than one-third of the global workforce, second only to the service sector. However, in recent decades, the global trend of a declining number of agricultural workers has continued, particularly in developing countries where smallholdings are being supplanted by industrial agriculture and mechanization, resulting in enormous crop yield increases.

Use An API To Get Agriculture Rates Per Bushel

This type of commodities can be measured in a variety of units, including bushels, short tons, and metric tons. The first is the one we’ll be concentrating on. Because there are so many different ways to measure the same product, you must be cautious about the price you check. 

This may be accomplished through the use of an API, which is a user interface that accepts data from a location and provides it to the person who made the API call. This is common on many websites and is quite beneficial when you need up-to-date information right away.

How To Get This

If you are looking for agriculture rates per bushel, we believe Commodities-API, a free web API that provides real-time data on commodity prices such as coffee, rice, sugar, and wheat, among others, will be extremely helpful.

Use An API To Get Agriculture Rates Per Bushel

To use it, you need to:

  1. To obtain your own API key, go to
  2. Look for the symbols you wish to check (RICE, CORN, WHEAT, etc)
  3. Locate the commodity and money in the list using these symbols. Make the API call after you’ve decided on them.
  4. Look for the most up-to-date price. The website will give an API in a variety of computer languages that you are free to modify and use anyway you see fit.

The response will be something like this:

"success": true,
"timestamp": 1519296206,
"base": "RICE",
"date": "2018-09-10",
"rates": {
"AUD": 1.566015,
"CAD": 1.560132,
"CHF": 1.154727,
"CNY": 7.827874,
"GBP": 0.882047,
"JPY": 132.360679,
"USD": 1.23396,

More Information about This Software

Commodities-API can deliver real-time commodities data with an accuracy of 2 decimal points and a frequency of up to 60 seconds. Exchange rates for almost every commodity, as well as Precious Metals, currency conversion, Time-Series data, and volatility statistics, are all accessible.

Price rises are seen in rice, wheat, coffee, corn, sugar, Brent crude oil, West Texas Intermediate crude oil, soybeans, gold, silver, and other commodities. This API provides accurate commodity and exchange rate data for almost every commodity, as well as 170 different foreign currencies, including Bitcoin and other major cryptocurrencies.

Also published on Medium.

Published inAppsTechnology
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