Do you want to know what’s the best way to categorize Spanish websites? Here, we explain to you how an API is perfect for that.
Website categorization, in its most basic form, refers to the practice of categorizing websites that consumers come into touch with. These categories include anything from the industry they belong to more extensive explanations of what they contain. It may benefit any company’s marketing, cybersecurity, and brand protection initiatives.
A website categorization program takes a domain name or other input, processes it through a database of categories, and returns results in seconds. This occurs because it is done via an API, which is an interface that connects two apps and allows them to communicate with one another. When you submit a request to an API, you will receive an immediate response.

However, you should have in mind that not every single one of these is the same. Most include typical features, while others go above and beyond. There are various factors to consider while looking for the one that best matches your company’s needs:
- Output Parameters and Formats for Categorization Level
- Update on the Number of Website Categories and Coverage Limitations on Frequency Rate
- Availability of Database Downloads
How To Use An API
With all this in mind, you should look for a good API that can help you to categorize Spanish websites. Choosing the wrong one can make you lose time and money, so, to help you, we highly recommend using Klazify, one of the most complete APIs available.

To use it, you need to:
1. Sign in to to acquire the API key.
2. Find the company’s URL and paste it into the provided field, then confirm that you are not a robot and submit it.
3. You will then receive the API response in one or more programming languages.
4. Look for and save the desired result. You can then utilize it how you see fit.
The result provided will look something like this:
{ "domain": { "categories": [ { "confidence": 0.69, "name": "/Online Communities" } ], "domain_url": "", "social_media": null, "logo_url": "" }, "success": true, "objects": { "company": { "name": "Reddit", "city": "San Francisco", "stateCode": "CA", "countryCode": "US", "employeesRange": "1K-5K", "revenue": null, "raised": 550100000, "tags": [ "Internet", "Web Services & Apps", "Technology", "Forums", "Mobile", "B2C" ], "tech": [ "google_apps", "aws_route_53", "amazon_ses", "mailgun", "double_click", "stripe",
Why Use This API
Klazify will browse to the required domain name or URL, gather its content, and establish appropriate categorizes based on an IAB V2 Standard classification taxonomy, which may be used for 1-1 personalization, marketing segmentation, online filtering, and other purposes.
As a consequence, the URL or domain may now be assigned to a specified category. Their website classification API is quite precise; a single URL query can classify a company’s industry into one of 385 different topic areas. Klazify’s classification is suitable for internet filtering and security applications, and the best part is that they handle all accessible domains as well as nearly all foreign languages.
Also published on Medium.