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Use A JSON API For Rubber Prices

Do you want or are you looking for a way to get the rubber’s precious in a quick and concrete way? Then you are about to read the right article, here you will find information on how a Json API works for this.

When we refer to rubber we say that it is a natural hydrocarbon polymer formed from latex. This is resinous from trees such as Hevea and Parthenium. In order to arrive at the final product, the latex must be extracted from a cut of the tree from the bark of the tree. This is done by precipitating it with acid, washing it and then drying it.

Rubber is almost always used in the manufacture of tires, waterproofing and insulating articles. This is due to its excellent elasticity and resistance to acids and alkaline substances.  In addition, it is water-repellent, temperature-insulating and electrically insulating.

On the other hand, it can deform considerably and then return to its initial shape when the load to which it is subjected ceases. Knowing all its properties and uses, we can understand that it is one of the most important raw materials in the world. It is a product that makes the economy move and generates new spaces. It is worth clarifying that JSON is a simple text format for data exchange. It is a subset of JavaScript’s object literal notation.

Use A JSON API For Rubber Prices

So, maybe you would think of investing in this kind of material. And keep up to date on these rates. This can sometimes be a bit complex, but there are tools that help to simplify the tasks. These are for example APIs. This is an interface that collects data and then shows it to the person who has requested the information.

For example, one of them is called Commodities-API, it is very complete and provides accurate data to 2 decimal places.

To get the prices in JSON format do the following:

1- Go to

2- Register to get your own API key.

3- Look for the symbols in the list.

4- Then make the API call. This can be done by using the symbols on the dashboard.

5- You can use the JSON language.

Use A JSON API For Rubber Prices

About Commodities-API:

This tool shows real-time information. It has a frequency of up to 60 seconds. It also displays other commodities such as natural gas, coffee, sugar, gold and silver, among many others. You can also display prices in different currencies. As you see fit. It is one of the most reliable tools of its kind on the market. This app may update every 10 minutes or once every 60 seconds. It also provides recorded data, permitting you to reflect on prior events and aiding in coming action planning.

Thousands of developers, SMEs and large corporations use Commodities-API every day. What makes this API the #1 resource for commodity rates. One such API retrieves commodity pricing data every minute from over 15 reliable data sources. Among them are banks and financial data companies.

It is critical to understand that Commodities-API only provides commodity and currency rate midpoint data. Midpoint rates are calculated using the average median rate of Bid and Ask at a given time.

Published inAppsTechnology
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