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Types Of Coffee And How To Obtain Their Rates With An API

If you enjoy coffee, you’ve certainly pondered how many various sorts there are and whether you can invest in them. Take a look at this article on a commodities prices API!

A coffee bean is a seed located inside the cherry of a coffee plant’s fruit. We don’t consume the fruity outer part of the coffee cherry, which is unique. Rather, we remove the pit and roast it. Arabica, Robusta, Liberica, and Excelsa are the four varieties of coffee beans.

Arabica beans are by far the most popular variety of coffee bean, accounting for over 60% of global coffee production. These delicious beans originated many centuries ago in Ethiopia’s highlands, and they may even be the world’s original coffee beans! Arabica gets its name from the popularity of the beans in 7th-century Arabia (present-day Yemen).

Robusta is the second most common coffee bean. This bean is mostly farmed in Africa and Indonesia, and it originated in Sub-Saharan Africa. It’s also quite popular in Vietnam, where it’s frequently included in coffee mixes. It’s a less costly cultivar, making it an excellent alternative for roasters on a budget.

Types Of Coffee And How To Obtain Their Rates With An API

Coffea liberica is regarded for its pungent floral scent and robust, smokey taste profile. It is native to central and western Africa, notably Liberia, thus its name. This resilient species is sometimes blended with other types to add body and complexity, but it gets little recognition. Liberica developed a footing with Southeast Asian coffee farmers when a fungal disease called “coffee rust” wiped off much of the region’s Arabica harvests.

Excelsa is the fourth primary kind of coffee bean. Scientists recently categorized it as a Liberica variation, despite the fact that it was originally considered a different coffee species. Excelsa beans are nearly solely grown in Southeast Asia, and they have an extended oval form similar to Liberica beans. At medium altitudes, these beans grow on enormous 20 to 30-foot coffee plants.

Due to the wide variety of types of coffee that can be invested in, it makes coffee traders and investors have a clear path to work in the stock market. But, due to the constant movements of coffee on the stock market, many platforms are dedicated to working with these movements through software, bringing this data directly to their users. Commodities-API, one of these platforms, is one of the most popular.


It’s a business that distributes monetized data on things like coffee, cereals, and oils, among other things. It obtains them via an API, which is accomplished in under a minute by establishing relationships with financial institutions.

Types Of Coffee And How To Obtain Their Rates With An API

Ways Of Use

This platform is unusual in that it is really simple to use. To do so, take the following steps:

  • Make a user account on the website.
  • Obtain an API key
  • Select a currency and a commodity.
  • Make an API call and wait for a response from the platform.

Safe Site

The Commodities-API uses SSL encryption to secure web-to-web connections. This form of security is used in financial institutions. This API, in turn, obtains data from financial institutions or even the World Bank.

Trustworthy Platform

With a two-decimal-point accuracy and a 60-second frequency, the API can offer real-time commodities data. Commodities-API is built on a strong back-end architecture that ensures high availability and response times of less than 50 milliseconds for defined API calls.

Published inTechnology
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