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TTS Combined With Contact Center

If you want to set up a contact center department for your company this article will help you. It will give you information on how to run it more efficiently. That’s why we recommend you to read on.

The customer is the main focus of every company. That is why we always try to get to know them better and solve all their problems. Understanding their requirements and concerns helps the company to make new decisions.

That is why we recommend you set up a contact center area. This is an area in which calls are made to the customer. These calls will have an informative purpose. In addition, you will be looking to provide technical support to the customer. 

TTS Combined With Contact Center

It is recommended that you use TTS software in combination with the contact center. This can be implemented through the use of an API.

There are many of them online.  Woord is one of them. It is a Software As a Service. A software that can convert audio through text or even from images, text files, PDF, or blogs. It is available for Windows and Mac OS X. In addition, the user has control over the number of times the material is to be played.

It is available for conversion to languages ​​such as Japanese, Turkish, Mexican, Swedish, Polish, Korean, and Russian. Also English, in its different extensions (US, UK, Australia, and India).

The file can be downloaded to any device in MP3 format. Additionally,  Woord offers truly natural voices created through artificial intelligence algorithms.

To convert…

You have to enter

Write, or upload in the format you want the most (it can be an image, PDF, text file, blog, among many others) the text you want to convert to speech.

Select the language and the type of voice (if it is male or female).

Speed ​​

You can also select from which part of the document you want to start playing.

TTS Combined With Contact Center

With the version, you pay for unlimited character conversion. The subscription can be paid by credit or debit card. You can also pay through Pay Pal. Remember that the subscription can be canceled at any time.

Published inAppsTechnology
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