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Try This Text To Speech API To Get Your Own Private Audio Library

The benefits of reading are unquestionable and proven. However, when it comes to audiobooks, book lovers often have mixed opinions about their benefits, especially when compared to conventional reading. However, much of this is pure prejudice. Read on Try This Text To Speech API To Get Your Own Private Audio Library, we will tell you about Woord, a Text To Speech API that will allow you to create your own audiobooks.

There is a whole debate on social networks about whether it is the same as reading or if, on the contrary; they are a watered-down and lazy alternative. Now, regardless of this controversy, audiobooks have been gaining popularity among readers and increasing in popularity over time. That is why it is worth mentioning some of the benefits of listening to audiobooks; remembering that the issue should not be reduced to putting both ways of approaching literature on a scale to see who wins.

Improve pronunciation and fluency

Listening to audiobooks improves the accuracy and fluency of reading and speaking. As the book is narrated, you can perceive the way the words are pronounced; something that could never be done with a conventional reading. And not only the pronunciation of each word but the whole, with the speed of reading, the pauses; the accents and the intonations, are very valuable to have good fluency and mastery of any language.

Boost mental health

According to an Audible-funded study, audiobooks can have a positive effect on the mental health of people of all ages. The report found that seven in 10 adults who listened to audiobooks were less stressed and anxious, and more than two-thirds said listening to audiobooks lifted them up when they were feeling down. More than half said that audiobooks made them feel more connected to the world, and three in ten were convinced that audiobooks had helped them feel better during the pandemic.

Helps improve time management

One of the most obvious benefits of audiobooks is that they can save time by allowing you to multitask, as long as they are mechanical tasks that don’t want a lot of attention. Many people love listening to audiobooks at the gym, while walking, or on their daily commute, whether driving or using public transportation. You can even listen to audiobooks doing other activities like cooking, cleaning or bathing.

Develop critical listening skills

Critical listening involves analysis, critical thinking, and judgment. Listening to audiobooks is a great way to develop critical listening skills. Analyzing different plot complications in stories and trying to make judgments based on that analysis helps improve these skills. It is true that these skills are typical of reading, but doing it through audiobooks emphasizes listening.

Improves focus and attention span

While listening to an audiobook, you should pay attention to what the narrator is saying. And that attention will have to be maintained throughout the entire reading. The truth is that it is very easy to get lost when listening to audiobooks because, unlike conventional reading, unless you stop it, reading will not stop on its own, and it will always be more cumbersome to go back to listen again. new what we were not paying attention to. That’s why it’s important to stay focused and not get distracted.


Woord is a without-charge online text reader with a variety of useful features. It contains more than 50 languages, including a variety of dialects. Furthermore, this API allows one to choose between masculine, feminine, or non-binary voices.

All of these features are available without charge, allowing you to test the service before purchasing the premium version. Premium voices, a Chrome plugin, an SSML editor, an MP3 download, and up to 20,000 characters each month are all included in the without-charge edition. With this program, you may also adjust the voice’s speed and format.

Nonetheless, we recommend that for commercial use you buy a premium subscription to this natural voices API; they are economic and ready for commercial use. Also, with the premium versions of Woord, you 100% own intellectual property for all files.

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