A stakeholder is anyone who has an interest in a particular company and can influence or be influenced by it. Investors, workers, clients, and suppliers are the major stakeholders in a traditional company.
Furthermore, a regular company has a long variety of stakeholders. For example, communities, governments, and non-profit organizations are part of the game too.
While clients’ purchasing habits may transform, and the government can change some laws, maintaining long-term successful relationships is challenging. Even suppliers that are essential to your business might twist their manufacturing and distribution policies.
Above all, your business will succeed when leads are finally converted to actual customers

As long as you have up-to-date data from your existing buyers, take advantage of the database to deeply understand your customers.
Hence, using a Data Enrichment API will able you to link data and, for instance, give the sales and marketing department interesting insights.
With the advancement of technology, business research tools have developed as well. You can now lawfully access all of a company’s information using merely a client’s business email. APIs have made this possible.
It’s as simple as going to an API website like GetZyla.com and entering your customer’s corporate email.

How Zyla Works
The Zyla Company Classification API gets a URL as an input and provides information about the company category connected with it. This API looks at a company’s website and categorizes it into one of 385+ topic categories.
This allows you to categorize and search for information in an email, a company, or a website. With just one email, you can acquire a full name, profile photo, address, business size, logotype, company category, and corporate social network connections.
Main Characteristics
- Shortening forms: Hide or autofill fields to make forms brief while capturing the data you require.
- Increase engagement by sending emails tailored to the job role, company size, or any of our 100+ data points.
- Maintain the freshness through your whole lead database: This will automatically refresh all of your records every 30 days, ensuring that you always have the most up-to-date information.

Zyla Is Great To:
- Content Classification
Zyla Text scans a document and provides a list of content categories for the text contained within it.
- Document Processing
Data capture at scale is made easier using Zyla Text, and document processing expenses are reduced.
- Customer Profiling
You may turn each customer’s email or domain into an enriched company profile and industry with Zyla Text.
- Fraud Detection & Web Filtering
Zyla Text classifies billions of domains using strong machine learning. Our API examines a company’s website and divides it into 385+ topic categories (IAB V2 standard).
- Classify products into categories
The class of a specific object in an image is determined by Zyla Image. This technique’s major purpose is to precisely identify the attributes in an image.
- Video Moderation
Zyla Video can help you locate content that is improper, undesirable, or offensive. Businesses can use the Zyla Video API to provide a safer user experience in social media and e-commerce.
Also published on Medium.