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Try This API To Obtain Historical Molybdenum Rates

Are you looking for historical molybdenum prices? This is something you should take the time to read!

Molybdenum is a chemical element that does not exist as a free metal in nature; it can only be found in minerals in various oxidation states. The melting point of the free element, a silvery metal with a gray color, is the sixth-highest of any element. Due to the rapid development of hard, stable carbides in alloys, steel alloys, particularly high-strength alloys and superalloys, consume the majority of the world’s output.

Molybdenum compounds (which account for around 14% of global output) are utilized as pigments and catalysts in high-pressure and high-temperature applications. The bulk of molybdenum produced is used in metallurgy, with the rest being used in chemical applications. Steel for structural reasons accounted for 35% of worldwide demand, with stainless steel, chemicals, equipment, and high-speed steels, cast iron, molybdenum elemental metal, and superalloys coming in second and third.

Because it can tolerate high temperatures without expanding or softening, molybdenum is useful for high applications such as military armor, aviation equipment, electrical connections, industrial motors, and filament supports in light bulbs. Some plants need molybdenum powder as a fertilizer.

Try This API To Obtain Historical Molybdenum Rates

Molybdenum has a wide range of applications. With this in mind, we believe that investing in this sort of company right now is a great decision, as it continues to grow year after year.

To do so, you’ll need to stay up to date on molybdenum rates and compare prices at different periods to make the best investment option possible. You may have a better knowledge of the business and boost your profits by using this comparison. You have the opportunity to invest at the appropriate time.

Although this appears to be a complex and time-consuming task, employing an API might save you a lot of time. This is a link that allows two programs to interact with one another. You’ll get a response nearly instantly if you ask the API for something. If you send a request (or make an API call) for molybdenum rates in a certain currency, for example, the computer will react right away.

Metals-API is the API to utilize because it updates every 60 seconds and has a vast selection of metals. The most up-to-date market pricing is available through API. The prior pricing will be considered as well. Metals supported include molybdenum, brass, copper, gold, magnesium, tin, nickel, platinum, silver, and steel. It’s compatible with a wide range of devices.

Try This API To Obtain Historical Molybdenum Rates

How does Metals-API work?

To get historical brass rates, follow these steps:

  1. Go to to acquire your API key.
  2. Look through the list of brass symbols and money signs on the website to choose the ones you want to use.
  3. Once you’ve added metal and money to the list using these symbols, make the API call. As a programming language, you can utilize JSON or PHP.
  4. Most currencies’ historical rates may be traced back to 2019. By adding a date to the basic URL, you may access the Metals-API for historical rates.

In the end, the following is the result:

"success": true,
"historical": true,
"date": "2013-12-24",
"timestamp": 1387929599,
"base": "MO",
"rates": {
"USD": 1.636492,
"EUR": 1.196476,
"CAD": 1.739516
Published inAppsTechnology