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Try This API To Get LME-Aluminum Fluctuation Data

Are you seeking an API that can offer you with LME-Aluminum Fluctuation data? Stay with us! This is an article that you should read.

Because aluminum’s density is around one-third that of steel, it is less dense than other common metals. Automobiles, aircraft, trucks, railway carriages, marine crafts, bicycles, and spaceships are all manufactured using it. The packaging consists of cans, foil, and a frame. It is also used in building construction and has electrical uses. It’s also found in computer and other electrical device casings. Aluminum may also be found in a variety of everyday items. We’ve been accustomed to using this feature in our daily lives.

Try This API To Get LME-Aluminum Fluctuation Data

Lately, the LME-Aluminum price was going down, but the value’s change is very dynamic. Paying attention to the variation of the values is vital if your company uses aluminum. The London Metal Exchange is the entity in charge of keeping track of market prices and informing the public about any changes.

As a result, you’ll want a tool to keep you informed about the fluctuation of the prices. The one that can provides you this data is an application programming interface (API): It’s a software that allows two applications running on different computers to communicate with one other.

Metals-API is a good choice if you require the most up-to-date prices. It’s the newest API for this purpose, and it supports a variety of metals and currencies. It collects and updates all data from the world’s biggest financial institutions every minute. It provides data on metal price movements.

Try This API To Get LME-Aluminum Fluctuation Data

To get started, follow these steps:

  1. Your API key will be provided by
  2. Search the website for the LME-Aluminum symbol (LME-ALU) and currency sign you’re looking for.
  3. Once you’ve added metal and currency to the list of symbols, make the API request.
  4. As a programming language, you have the option of using JSON or PHP.

It is an example of the API request:
? access_key = API_KEY
& start_date = 2015-12-01
& end_date = 2015-12-24

It is the API response:


Why Metals-API?

One of the most accurate API tools available is Metals-API. It collects data every minute from over 15 credible data sources. Banks and financial organizations are among them. Spreadsheets, websites, mobile apps, and other commercial applications incorporate LME- Aluminum and other metals.

Only a few of the many currencies, commodities, and cryptocurrencies accepted are Euros and US dollars. Any amount of money or metal can be transferred from one currency to another. Each application does not need to write its ad-hoc code to connect to servers that communicate with one another since the API is specified in JSON API.

Published inAppsTechnology