Are you trying to find the best way to sell your analytics API? try an API marketplace!
An API is a collection of established guidelines that describe how programs or computers communicate with one another. APIs serve as a middle layer that handles data transfer between systems, sitting between an application and the web server.
We can deny that one of the most important parts of applications and businesses today are APIs. They’re the core of how the modern world works.
Because of that if you decided to make your own APIs and sell them you’ve probably heard of a lot of ways to market them. One being API marketplaces.
Why should I use a marketplace to monetize my APIs?
The biggest advantage API marketplaces have when you compare them to API portals or websites, for example, is that you don’t have to take time and money to promote the API.
With websites, for example, you need to make it from scratch and include things like infrastructure and documentation.
In an API marketplace, all you need to do is publish the APIs. How do they work? API marketplaces show APIs and deliver a room for app developers to upload, distribute, and monetize their APIs while also providing an area for consumers to discover and implement APIs for their own products.
Monetize your API with Zyla API Hub
You can find many ways to sell APIs. It’s normal to finish making and API and to not know what to do next.Just as APIs are diverse the ways for monetizing them also vary. But the best way to do it, and the easiest, is with an API marketplace.
A MarketPlace API may be used by many businesses as a simple means of promoting APIs without having to invest money and time in developing a specific website. Publishers might help developers reach their target market, broaden their readership, and boost sales.
If you want to publish your API in the Zyla API Hub marketplace, for example, you need to click on and go to developer and then “Add new API”.

Benefits for developers that use Zyla API Hub
You can choose from the options we feel are the best for selling APIs online, if you like. Our recommendation is Zyla API Hub, and it is dependable, easy to use, and entirely secure for your data. You need to register as a developer, create an account, and publish your API right away. This initial phase won’t cost you anything. There is a free plan available for all APIs, and no credit card is required.
After that, you can look through additional Analytics APIs or perform a category search. Weather, payments, email, facial recognition, banking, IP geolocalization, machine learning, OCR, text summarization, and data are among the other features. There will soon be more! Each one features a description, instructions for use, pricing information, and a frequently asked questions section for users or programmers.
If you first have a subscription, you can try it. The Zyla API Hub team will aid with price definition and lead generation. To get in touch with us for more assistance, drop an email to hello[@]
Also published on Medium.