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Try Out This Image Contentful Enhancement API

Do you want to find a good tool to enhance images? You need to try this one!

You’ve probably already heard it before: “An image is worth a thousand words.” In the incredibly fast-paced world that we live in, that saying couldn’t be more true. High-quality images are more significant than ever before in assisting brands to tell their story and connect with their clients.

Reading lengthy portions is not possible with the way things are going right now. Images that are appealing and bright work significantly better. Because of this, business owners who want their brand to stand out from the competition should consider providing graphics to potential customers.

A choice of high-quality images that make the company appear credible in the eyes of potential clients are required when a business person makes a profile of their company on social media or wants to represent it in the best way on their website.

Try Out This Image Contentful Enhancement API

Here are 5 reasons why high-quality pictures are more important for brands than ever before:

Photographs may transmit emotion: One of photography’s most amazing features is its capacity to do so. Use darker, more striking lighting to produce dramatic effects. Use a space that is really light and bright: joy. Lots of blues: tranquility. Your photos have the power to swiftly and simply evoke the feeling that you want your customers to have while they are in the vicinity of your establishment. It’s critical to take a close look at your brand’s images (on your website, in social media posts, in emails, etc.) and determine whether they successfully transmit the desired feeling.

Your brand’s first impression on potential buyers is created by your images: Consider this: the last time you heard about a new company, I bet you grabbed your phone, logged into Instagram, scrolled through some posts, and perhaps visited their website, and within a minute, you knew what kind of brand they were. First impressions matter!

Although photography can increase perceived worth, it can sometimes have the reverse effect. Bad quality imagery = a harder time earning trust and loyalty. Sounds superficial, but it’s a reality.

Using photography to communicate with your audience will help you get your message across easily:  Text is nice, but reading a caption, an about page, or a pretty Instagram quote takes a while for most people. Images take milliseconds.

A high-quality image used consistently builds brand awareness and trust. Your clients will find it easier to recognize you if your image is consistent and of good quality throughout all of your channels (website, social media, email, logo, print materials, etc.).

Why do we recommend Image Enhancer API?

This API is a tool that assists people to improve the quality of all images. Through several super-resolution algorithms, this API is able to improve how an image looks. 

Try Out This Image Contentful Enhancement API

If you have a poor-quality photo, this API will make it look better right away. 

What this API receives and what your API provides (input/output)?

The user will pass the URL of the image that they want to enhance, and will be receiving a new URL with the improved image.

Also published on Medium.

Published inApps, technology
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