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Try Out The Best IP Geolocation API For Free In 2023

There are numerous methods for carrying out an IP geolocation lookup. Using a free IP geolocation tool online is a typical technique. The city, state, and country of the required IP address are often provided by these tools. They might also include further facts like the time zone and ISP information. Another choice is to use a paid service that provides more precise geolocation information, such as ipXapi.

Whichever method you choose, geolocation by IP is a simple and quick approach to find someone’s general location. It also typically gives you a basic notion of someone’s location, even though it’s not always correct.

There is also a free trial version of this API that you can use to test its capabilities. If you are interested in learning more about ipXapi, visit the website or contact us for more information.

How does an IP geolocation API work?

An IP geolocation API is a software that uses the IP address of a device to determine its location. This is done by querying a database of IP addresses, which is typically maintained by a third-party. The location information can then be returned to the user in a variety of formats, such as latitude and longitude or a set of coordinates. There are several APIs available on the market, but not all of them are reliable or accurate. However, we have taken the time to test the best options and have come up with the following recommendation: Get ipXapi. This API is extremely user-friendly and accurate. It can be used in any programming language and returns results in a matter of seconds. In addition, it offers a variety of features that will help you improve your business. With ipXapi, you can create an accurate database of users’ locations, thus improving your marketing campaigns and sales strategies. Also, you can create a geo-localized database for your business by using the IP addresses of your customers. And finally, you can use this API to create a location-based app or website! What are you waiting for? Give it a try and see how easy it is!

How to get the location from an IP address?

If you want to get the location from an IP address, you should try using an API like ipXapi. This is one of the most accurate and user-friendly options available on the market right now. In just a few seconds, you will be able to find out exactly where the IP address is located. All you need is to enter the IP address and click on “Test Endpoint” to get started!  

Go check ipXapi


To get the geolocation, you have to:

1. Go to and sign in to obtain the API key.

2. Enter the IP address from which you want to collect information.

3. Submit it and await the outcome.

4. Save the API and use it as you see fit.

Published inAPI