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Transform Your Energy Business With Cutting-Edge Coal Prices API Technology

Do you want to transform your energy business with cutting-edge API technology? In this article, we’ll tell you how you can do it!

Despite all these disadvantages, coal is still used widely in the world and its price is constantly changing. In this sense, there are many companies that are dedicated to providing this information on a daily basis, allowing users to make their own decisions based on the information they provide. However, by using API technology, you can improve this process and make it more efficient by automating some of the tasks that are done manually by human beings. APIs are tools that allow you to connect different systems and access their data in a simple way. 

In this way, you can create new features or improve existing ones with the help of APIs. For example, if you’re part of an energy company that works with coal, you can use an API that allows you to access current information on coal prices so you can develop your own system to track the changes in real time. This will allow you to be more efficient and get better results. If you want to transform your energy business, we recommend using a Coal Prices API. With this tool, you will be able to get updated information on the price of coal in real time.

It is very easy to use and integrate into your system. You just need to create an account and subscribe to one of their plans. Then, with just a few clicks, you will be able to access all the information you need in a simple and intuitive way. The Commodities API is without a doubt the best option if you’re looking for accurate coal pricing data.

Commodities API: The Best Option

Developers can get real-time data on valued commodities through the Commodities API, which is offered by more than 10 different exchange rate data providers for commodities pricing. The API contains numerous endpoints, each of which serves a distinct purpose. The endpoint can send API requests for data on one or more currencies, data on daily changes, value conversion, and time series data for one or more currencies. It can also send API requests for the most recent commodity rate information for all or a selected subset of currencies.

Depending on the commodity you’re looking for, this API will provide you with a variety of replies. In this instance, we’re interested in finding out more about coal. The coal symbol offered by the API (COAL) can be used to look up information about coal:

{"data":{"success":true,"timestamp":1681510680,"date":"2023-04-14","base":"USD","rates":{"COAL":0.0073529411764706},"unit":"per tonne"}}

One dollar is equal to 0.0073529411764706 tonnes of coal, as you can see in the answer.

All You Have To Do To Utilize It Is:

  • Go to Commodities API and simply sign up, when you are done you’ll be ready to start using the API!
  • Employ the different API endpoints using the symbols given by the API depending on what you are looking for.
  • Once you meet your needed endpoint, make the API call by pressing the button “run” and see the results on your screen.

The Commodities-API offers data with a two-decimal place precision in more than 170 different currencies. You can perform up to 100.000 API requests each month and receive data updates every 60 seconds, depending on the subscription you choose. This API also comes with a seven-day trial period.

Published inAd TechAPIAppsApps, technologyArtificial Intelligence (AI)E-commerceTechnology