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Category: Startups

Pitch Perfect: “A startup must be able to inspire content and emotions”

Entrepreneurial spirit, technical know-how down to the last detail, big, but also comprehensible visions and a good deal of self-confidence – these are the qualities that dozens of founders have scored at the pitches of the #humand Challenge and many other events in front of prominent specialist juries. For such…

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Best 9 startups we have our eyes on

Grownups like Babbel, EyeEm, Fleeletics, GoEuro, HomeToGo, N26, Kreditech, Outfittery, tado, Westwing and Wooga are all known to everyone. But every few seconds a startup is founded somewhere in Germany. Among these many start-ups and grownups are some start-up companies that have earned more attention. That’s why we have created…

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Influencer marketing for startups

Influencer marketing is extremely efficient. Even without a big budget, startups can win influential advocates. What is an influencer? Influencers are opinion makers. They have influence, are considered trustworthy and reach a considerable audience. This makes them important multipliers for online marketing. Big brands have a considerable budget for influencer…

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