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Category: Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Problems for Amazon: Artificial Intelligence investigators are on their way

Researchers have cited Amazon before by Rekognition, the facial recognition technology that the company has allowed to use the police and that has generated concern because the company is essentially supporting the surveillance state. Technology has also been under scrutiny in the past for a variety of other reasons, such…

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A Munich based startup developed AI software to analyze battery health status

The Munich startup Twaice cooperates with the Department of Vehicle Technology of the Technical University of Munich in the research project Bawaii. The goal is to predictive battery analysis is to be improved by the use of artificial intelligence. The Munich startup Twaice has developed a software that uses so…

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How good is Google AI?

YouTube has tried to keep violent and hate videos out of its service for years. The Google unit hired thousands of human moderators and put some of the best minds in artificial intelligence to work on the problem. On Thursday, none of that managed to stop an armed man who…

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