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Category: Apps

New Fintech app Bitwala already has 1 million Euro Bitcoin trading volume

Bitwala reports just a few weeks after its launch (December 12) that customers have already traded bitcoins worth one million euros through the platform. FinTech takes advantage of SolarisBank’s services and acts as “Europe’s first blockchain banking provider” to score with a “great user experience, top price-performance ratio, tight spreads,…

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Google plans to make it harder for you to be forced out of incognito mode to see websites

It is public domain that most browsers or browsers have an option in Incognito mode, however, many web pages often use resources to prevent users from using them when they visit their sites, this is something that Google Chrome wants to change. Indisputable, Internet has become a basic service for…

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Business people are impressed by startups and millennials as “they change the business world”

In the business world, five years is a lifetime, but in the technology sector, five years is an eternity. The Busconomic banking product comparator has managed not only to resist a five-year period as a company but also to gain a foothold in a sector with such difficult competition as…

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Ten things that you can not stop doing with your Android as soon as you discover them

The battle of the ‘smartphones’ is between iOS and Android. Many prefer Apple phones for their exclusivity. Android has a pull for the variety of models and prices that brands offer with it. In addition, the operating system of the green robot has little-known utilities. Radars, cache memory, use of…

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