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Are you looking for a way for enhancing your academic text productivity? In this post, you will learn all about how content classification APIs can help you! You may have already heard about APIs and how they can make your life easier. Especially when it comes to data, APIs can…
Do you need a daily update on Nickel rates for your business? There’s an API that can send this type of information straight to your hands! The Russian occupation broke into the internal scenario without warning. Without advice, the landing of troops on Ukrainian territory caused a price shock in…
Corn is native to the American continent, where it was domesticated about 10,000 years ago and then, it arrived in Europe in the 17th century. Currently it is one of the most important crops in the world due to its nutritional relevance, since it produces cobs whose grains are highly…
Would you like to know the copper prices in Japanese currency? Well, we have good news for you! Here we will offer you a solution to your problems. Lead is a metallic element that is located in group 14 of the periodic table. Its atomic number is 82, it has…
Do you find obstacles to getting Cobalt rates during the Ukrainian conflict? Well, with an API, everything will be easy! Take a look! The volatility of international prices of raw materials of mineral origin occupies the world scene. One of the variables is the invasion of the Ukrainian territory. Several…
If you are trying to measure the emissions from wind energy, you are going to read the perfect article. We are going to explain to you how to generate, in simple steps, the information that you need. The wind is one of the best greenways to produce energy. Wind-generated over 1800…
Do you agree that it is uncomfortable to see the price of palladium in a currency foreign to your country? If your answer is positive, we recommend using this API. It is a rare transition metal that has a similarity to Platinum, so it is possible to confuse them. The…
If you do not know What Is Text-To-Speech, this is a system, as the name suggests, is software that “translates” text into an audio format automatically. These applications, sometimes called text readers or TTS converters, are incredibly useful for a wide range of people, from the visually impaired to entrepreneurs…
Do you need a molybdenum API that returns pricing in troy ounces? This is an excellent post to read! Molybdenum is a silvery metal with a gleaming finish. Engine components made of ‘Moly steel’ alloys provide for electrical connection and corrosion resistance. Oil catalysts, circuit board inks, pigments, and electrodes…
Do you need reliable data on LBXPTAM with an API? Here, you’ll find an alternative with several world currencies available! The LBMA company is a subsidiary entity of the London Metal Exchange. They work with precious metals and minor metals. Besides, they provide all kinds of metal industrial pricing news,…