In this article, you will get to understand why you should incorporate text analysis APIs to boost your company’s business data. To be specific, information that assembles your organization: number of employees, revenue, and the list goes on.
That being the case, business data refers to your company’s infomation. For example, how many leads you have received at the end of the month; how many questions you have received through different sources; website traffic statics; and more. Yes, it is a lot of information. Its organization will be your best partner.
I suggest the use of Text Analysis APIS. These Application Programming Interfaces are in charge of sending you reliable information about your company’s data. This way you don’t have to extract the information you are aiming for manually . Hence, you won’t risk the possibility of encountering a difficult path to comprehend.
Therefore, Text Analysis APIs lets you extract valuable information from open-ended and unorganized texts. It helps you break down which kind of data serves you well with your goals by providing you with organization and classification. These are the Top Text Analysis Data APIs that will be able to help you and your company:
1. Klazify
Klazify is one of the most accurate content classification APIs. It is an all-in-one domain data source. It uses a smart categorization technology able to scan a website’s content and meta tags. It extracts text to classify the site and assigns up to three categories aided by natural language processing (NLP).
2. Lexalytics
Lexalytics provides pre-trained data analysis models that anyone will be able to use. Sentiment analysis, subject labeling, keyword extraction, entity recognition, and more are all possible using this API. You can utilize pre-trained models or create bespoke models using data from your company.
3. Monkey Learn
Monkey Learn is another text analysis API that focuses on evaluating and understanding textual information. It offers you direct information, and pre-built text mining examples you can use to understand how to carry out tasks such as topic labeling.
Now that you have nurtured yourself with all this information, is up to you to put into action what you think is best for your business data and its overall success.