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Top Rated Site Traffic API With Enterprise Plans In 2023

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can take advantage of large volumes of data management technologies, known as big data, to generate new business. It is important that you incorporate this into your company. Therefore, keep reading Top Rated Site Traffic API With Enterprise Plans In 2023, we will tell you about Site Traffic API, the tool that will give you all the data you want.

Top Rated Site Traffic API With Enterprise Plans In 2023

SMEs that have some level of formalization, especially when they already have at least an accounting for tax returns before Taxation, can use the information recorded on purchases from suppliers, inventories, and sales to customers to determine behaviors, make decisions, and innovate. in their processes and products.

Whether the company keeps the information in a spreadsheet, in accounting software or in a management software such as enterprise resource planning (ERP) or in a notebook (whose information would have to be recorded in a spreadsheet) analysis can be obtained of the data.

It depends on how much information you have. Not only can you see the balance line, but you can go into the background, see the history and identify behaviors in a predictive way, say the specialists who promote projects for a big data service in the cloud for SMEs. If approved, the Internet service would be in two years.

The idea is that companies upload the information. The service would allow you to cross the variables that you need or are interested in. In addition, it would be complemented by artificial intelligence and context analysis systems to make searches and analyses easy.

Benefits of using big data in small businesses

Interpreting the data that we already have will make us more efficient. We have a large amount of data that, in the hands of one person, would be practically impossible to analyze, but with specific software (such as the CRM mentioned), it is generated without us having to do the least bit of effort. In the case of Holded’s CRM, for example, each action carried out is automated, added to the reports and, finally, intuitive and easy-to-understand graphs and analytics are generated.

Offer more products or more services. Analyzing the data will allow us to anticipate trends. If we see that the client demands something that we do not yet have, we could have found a new business opportunity that is probably good for us to implement.

Having an accurate big data analysis will allow us to make better decisions and, above all, to do so faster than the competition.

Lower costs. There are redundant processes within the workflows that we may not detect at first glance, but that we will identify in the data analytics. This will help the company to be more efficient, have a better relationship with the client and, above all, eliminate parts of the process that only incur unnecessary expense.

They can be adapted to any company profile. Not all the data that we can handle serves us in the same way: probably a call center will process the incidents received by customers with greater success, and a company that sells cleaning products will get great ideas from interactions on social networks. Every business is different, but they all have something in common: there is not a single one that cannot maximize its benefits with the help of big data.

Site Traffic API

So, with Site Traffic API you will be able to consult from where the site receives its traffic. It means you can check where the visitors are (per country); how many monthly visits they receive, and traffic sources (direct, social media, emails, etc).  This API will allow you to order your database by the conditions you decide. Do you want to know which URLs receive the most traffic? Or do you want to know the pages that have the highest bounce rate? What are the URLs that make your users stay longer?

Thus, you can use this API to measure the performance of your own page. You can see the behavior of users and make decisions based on the metrics received. Retrieve Search Engines Rankings and Pages’ net worth as well. 

Top Rated Site Traffic API With Enterprise Plans In 2023

What your API receives and what your API provides (input/output)?

Only pass the URL or domain you want to consult. And you will get traffic per country, monthly visits; engagement metrics such as average visit duration, bounce rate, pages per visit, and traffic sources. They are receiving their users from web searches? Do they receive the most traffic through paid advertising? This API will let you know that.  Check Where Are Located The Users Per Country Through This API

Want to learn more about Site Traffic API?

For additional information on how to take advantage of the Site Traffic API, go to the FAQ on Site Traffic or check to Use This Site Traffic API To Measure The Performance Of Your Site

Thank You For Reading Top Rated Site Traffic API With Enterprise Plans In 2023

Also published on Medium.

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