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Top Rated Octoparse Alternatives APIs In 2023

Want to know which are the best options for web crawling? Are you searching for an API that is better than Octoparse? Stop looking! We have the top-rated scraping API and three other possibilities for you to consider! Codery API is the best option of all but we will tell you about the others as well.


Top Rated Octoparse Alternatives APIs In 2023
Check out this post and figure out the top-rated API!

This is a popular scraping API but not for all the good reasons. Yes, it does its job and it does not do it wrong. The problem with Octoparse is that it presents information in a very heavy manner that is overwhelming and that its prices are not friendly at all. It does provide an uncharged plan, but it only includes 10 API calls. And to give you an idea, the next plan costs $89 USD a month and gives you just 100 API calls.

Following, we will be providing you with all the APIs that are more suitable, and lastly, we will be talking about Codery API, the best option of them all!

Top Rated Octoparse Alternatives APIs In 2023
Check out this post and figure out the top-rated API!


This first API we present as a substitute to Octoparse is one of the most used technologies when it comes to extracting information online. It is possible for ScrapingBee to be so popular because it manages its service very well. It is organized and with very safe security policies. yet again, this API offers very pricey and inaccessible plans. The price range goes from $49 USD up to $99 USD or more a month.


Top Rated Octoparse Alternatives APIs In 2023
Check out this post and figure out the top-rated API!

The second extraction system that we would like to mention is Page2API. This is another good substitute for Octoparse. As well as ScraoingBee, this API does offer organized, secure and reliable information and results, but not very accessible prices. This particular API’s price range starts at $19 USD monthly and goes up to $249 USD a month. Nonetheless, we can not forget that this API does have a favourable point, it can render information in four different languages.

Top Rated Octoparse Alternatives APIs In 2023
Check out this post and figure out the top-rated API!


This third substitute is one of the most organized ones. It divides its data into tabs and schemes. Nonetheless, its most remarkable characteristic is the pricing with which it is more accessible. Its pre-designed subscription plans do start at $39 USD a month and go up to $249 USD a month, but the pricing does not stop there. This scraping system provides the possibility of customizing your own plan and the ability to pay 20% less if you make a yearly subscription instead of a monthly one.

Which is the top-rated API then?

It is Codery API! This is the top-rated technology when it comes to web crawling because it renders with a very well-known programming language and because of its accessibility. This particular system renders with JavaScript which makes it perfect for anybody to understand and use. Besides, it will just get you the HTML code, you will not receive any ads, images or css. Now, when we said accessibility we meant that it is intuitive and organized as well as budget-friendly! Its prices go from nothing to $99.9 USD a month.

Top Rated Octoparse Alternatives APIs In 2023
Codery API‘s page

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